~ PIMPIN BRANDON ~ profile picture


Life's A B*tch When I Can't Get Dates With The Women I Want But What Can I Do/

About Me


I am a long time resident of a little lame town in Idaho called Aberdeen. I am 6 feet tall, 175 lbs. & have real short dark blonde hair. Obviously i am always open to meeting new people, single women especially. I can be shy at first but i tend to open up more to women once i get more aquained & am more confident she likes me. I also tend to have a good sense of humor or at least try to & I love to make women laugh or make them happy. I have some cool friends here I personally know in Ab. and Pocatello mostly. As you may notice, my main hobby i love doing is fishing or ice fishing. I Do most of my fishing at the American Falls Reservoir, Which makes this area more tolerable for me to live in because this reservoir is only a short drive for me. I love to do all types of fishing but i don't do fly fishing though. If am not working or out looking for hot babes and it's daytime, most likely I am out fishing somewhere. I love to ice fish in the wintertime anytime there's enough ice to hold me up & I go ice fishing anytime I get a chance. I built me a nice 4 feet wide, 8 feet long & 6.5 feet high ice house back in 2002 so I can be completely out of the wind, snow or cold and it's big enough so i can kick back and watch TV or listen to some bad ass tunes while i'm waiting for the fish to bite. I have some pics of it posted if you are curious of what it looks like. Sometimes if I stay after dark, I'll kick it in my ice house & down a few Bud Lights. I only like to drink alcohol like once a week or on occasions & I normally don't drink that much, especially when I got to drive somewhere, that's when I like to be sober for sure. It also depends on who i am with too whether i'll have a beer or not, for instance, if I am with girl(s) that don't drink, then i'll respect them for it & not drink alcohol around them cause that's just the kind of guy I am. I also love to be Wild & CRAZY anytime I get an opportunity to, especially in the wintertime on the ice & snow.
I go to Poky once in a while like on a weekend and go walk around the Mall & hunt for hot single women or when the mall's closed & i'm through with my shopping, I like to hit the bars or the so called clubs ( Usually either Hooligans, Office Bar, Oddessy, Center Street Bar, The Green T, which i usually hit on a Saturday or lately i've been hitting The Lazy Lizard Lounge {used to be Players} which is new & a great place to go ) and look for beautiful young women & hoping for at least a few women to be dressed in ( Of course women don't have to be dressed like this in order to have a chance with me - it's just my favorite, hell just the high heel boots & nice pants on women works fine for me. ) my favorite for sure - in mini skirts or cutoffs with those sexy high heel knee high or thigh high boots on women & that seens to get me turned on the best and quickest, heck if a girl tells me her feet hurt from wearing high heel boots too long or what not, I have no problem with helping her take then off & rubbing her feet - thats just the kind of guy I am, unfortinately most guys are too chicken to do this for a beautiful women. A lot of the women that don't treat me right or reject me have no idea what they are missing out on - HUGE mistake on their part cause i'm confident & I know I have what it takes to please a lot of these beautiful women out there that are smart enough to treat me right.
Some Of The Craziest Things I Have Ever Done:
1. Taking My truck on 8 inches of ice out at the lake on New Years Eve ( this was a few years back ) and doing bunches of cookies, oh that was fun! I love to go out on the ice anytime there's enough to hold up my truck and just go nuts with the cookies! ( especially drinking a few Bud Lights while doing it )
2. Spinning such awsome cookies on my snowmobile that I've even flipped it on it's side 3 times in my lifetime( I've been lucky I haven't gotten hurt very bad doing it ). Not only I will do cookies with the snowmobile or pickup, but I will even take a 3 wheeler out there & do some good ones.
3. Driving my snowmobile across about 30 - 50 yards of open water to get it off the ice, damn that's fun, I always wanting to do it again if I had a way to get back on the ice!
4. Driving my pickup out on a frozen lake while it's raining & about 1 - 2 inches of water & slush on top of the ice and doing some wild cookies or doughnuts so fast that water would be just flying all over the place & water would be just beating on my windshield & side of my pickup while i'm goin sideways - yeeaah that is so freaken fun, especially with beer & loud music in the mix! Anytime the edge of the ice is good enough I can get on it with my truck & there's slush & water on top of it, oh yeah it's time for some real fun!!
The Things I Fantasize about Doing or Happening:
The one thing I have been dying to do if I could is get an old cluncker car or truck that I don't care about it getting beat up or muddy and I have bars around the inside of it to prevent myself from breaking any bones and if it's wintertime, take it out on the ice and do a cookie going real fast and then hit a rough spot so hard that I roll it a few times and then be able to get out and lift it back up and go for more! when it isen't winter or when there's no ice on the lake, I would love to take it out in the mud and just literally haul ass & just throw mud all over the place or take it and go fast though mud puddles and bumps with some good heavy metal music cranked up! The thing that would just crack me up and I would love to see happen is getting to see an asshole male cop ( Well not all cops are a**holes though, just about 95% of them are ) get kicked in the balls or just get his ass kicked by a girl - Oh I would love to see that happen! I would also love to actually see a cop sh*t his pants while chasing a criminal oh f**king a! I always fantasize having a hot chick cuddled up to me or making out with one wherever I am or having one with me in my pickup leaning on to me while I am driving somewhere or out at the boat docks here by my hometown listening to some good rap tunes or out in my boat with me on a nice calm sunny day.

My Interests

Bass Fishing, Ice fishing, bank fishing, fishing from my boat, clubbing, bar hopping, snowmobile, 3 wheeling, 4 wheeling, doing cookies on the ice, driving my pickup on frozen lakes, going to amusement parks, listening to tunes by cranking up my system in my pickup when i'm out & about, being really CRAZY! - oh ya gotta get crazy at least some of the time, beautiful women!, HOT women in boots!, HOT women in mini skirts or shorts and wearing sexy high heeled knee high boots or high heel ankle high boots

I'd like to meet:


I'm usually not too picky with my women. All I require in a women to be my friend is just for her to be nice, not be judgemental, fun & honest - if you are that, well get along just a ok!
I would really love to meet & date some single women that wears those sexy thigh high, ankle high or knee high boots with medium to high heels, ( especially with a skirt or cutoffs ) all the time or at least wears them quite frequently. Want to know what turns me on in a girl & what turns me off in a girl, check out my blog for more of what I look for in a girl.


I love 80's butt rock & heavy metal tunes such as: Metallaca, Def Lepard, Skid Row, Twisted Sister, Guns & Roses, Kix, AC-DC, Pantera, Tesla, Quiet Riot, Godsmack, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Black Label Society, Ozzy Osborne, Van Halen and anything other heavy metal or hard rock that sounds good. I also love rap or hip-pop music (the kind that swears & pisses off the damn punk ass cops is the best kind of rap!) such as some 50cent, 2Pac, Kottonmouth Kings, Emenem, Juvenile, The Game, Ying Yang Twins, Notorious BIG, Yung Joc, Sir-Mix-A-Lot, Icecube, Snoop Dog and most other good rap tunes that got a damn good beat to it & swears. Rap or hip-pop music is esspecially a good type of music to listen to while i'm driving around and trying to get attention from the hot chicks i see out & about since chicks seen to dig rap music the most and I got a 600 watt amp & two 8 inch woofers and one 12 inch Pioneer subwoofer in my truck to bump some serious bass! I also like some of the new punk rock or alternative rock like they play on KBEAR. If I am not listening to KBEAR 101, I usually listen to Classic Rock 102 or Z103 on an occasion. I like this station out of Utah called U92 because they play good rap & hip pop music - more than Z103 will ever play! Since the station is so far from me is is a diffecult one to pick up and usually the only place I can pick it up is out at the boat docks by my hometown.


I'll occasionally watch a movie or 2


Fear Factor, COPS, World Wildest Police Videos, Blind date, Deal Or No Deal - Currently My Favorite Game Show & The Models Are Fine!!, Wheel Of Fortune, Scariest Places On Earth, Local news or weather forcast ( so ill know wether or not it will be a crappy day.)


I don't do much reading
Name: Brandon
Birthday: October 30th
Birthplace: Eugene, Oregon
Current Location: A-Town,Idaho
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: dark blond
Height: 6 feet
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: American
The Shoes You Wore Today: black tennis
Your Weakness: definetly women
Your Fears: snakes & that my bad luck with women will never change
Your Perfect Pizza: Canadian Bacon with LOTS of Cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Making My Luck With Women Drastically Change!
Thoughts First Waking Up: what time is it?
Your Best Physical Feature: don't know
Your Bedtime: lately, between 3 or 4 AM
Your Most Missed Memory: don't know
Pepsi or Coke: both
MacDonalds or Burger King: One or the other works for me
Single or Group Dates: Single when I get one
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: neither
Do you Smoke: NO!! Crap Kills people!
Do you Swear: OH YA!!
Do you Sing: NO
Do you Shower Daily: yes
Have you Been in Love: never had a real love
Do you want to get Married: not ready for that
Do you belive in yourself: no
Do you get Motion Sickness: Sometimes
Do you think you are Attractive: not really
Are you a Health Freak: somewhat
Do you get along with your Parents: depends
Do you like Thunderstorms: OH HELL YA!!!! LOVE EM!! Especially at night! The more lighning - the better!
Do you play an Instrument: HELL NO
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: OH YA I LOVE BUDLIGHT
In the past month have you Smoked: HELL NO!! I need my lungs!
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no! only a dumbass does drugs!
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: ya, just there last weekend
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nope
In the past month have you been on Stage: no
In the past month have you been Dumped: I get rejected all the time
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: not really
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: hell no! I don't want to deal with them damn pigs!
Ever been Drunk: OH YA! Especially New Years!
Ever been called a Tease: no
Ever been Beaten up: yes back when I was a little shit
Ever Shoplifted: HELL NO! not that fucking stupid!
How do you want to Die: Painless,fast & alone with no one around whithin miles!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: don't know
What country would you most like to Visit: Prefer to stay in the USA
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: don't matter
Favourite Hair Color: don't matter, blonde is my fav.
Short or Long Hair: long
Height: 6' or shorter
Weight: not fat
Best Clothing Style: my favorite one is, chicks in skirts or nice shorts with sexy knee high boots
Number of Drugs I have taken: I don't take any stinking drugs!
Number of CDs I own: about 20 or so
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: too many to count


"God - The Creator Of The Universe", "Jesus Christ, the son of God" because he died on the cross for us

My Blog


================================================= Update 1/26/07 The last couple of days i've been getting too many of these f**king messages asking some supid f**king question. Heres the ...
Posted by **Brandon** on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 12:19:00 PST

My Latest Myspace Helpful Tips & Advice Updated: 1/30/07

Here's A Copy Of this Dude's Blog I Found To Be Useful & That I agree With. I did edit it a little though: =======================================================  DO NOT delete profiles show...
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Feel Free To Check Out Some Of These Helpful Sites

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Fake Chick Profiles & Webcam Sites - Their Latest Spamming Tricks You Need To Be Aware Of!

Well, just tonight a little after 3 am, i happened to noticed I had new friend requests, well I checked it and omg I had 45 new friend requests from these so called attractive womens profiles and i wa...
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