20's, 30's, 35mm,[adult swim],ani difranco, anime, anti hate, anti-sexism, art, art deco, art education, art nouveau, art nudes, artistic portraiture, baroque art, beautiful women, being loved, black and white, bowling, Buster Keaton, cartoons, cheese pizza!!!, chem lab,comic books, creativity, cuddling, dark poetry, dark surrealism, darkrooms, dreaming,emotionally unstable girls,family guy, fashion photography,flirting, food, foreign films, futurama, garden state, ghostworld,halloween, harry potter, homer, human sexuality, independent films, infrared, invader zim, invisionary photography, jerry uelsmann,johnny the homicidal maniac,kissing,lips,love, macaroni and cheese,making photographs, medium format, mixed-media, my few friends, negative trauma, nice people, nikon,painting,penguins,photo-manipulation, pictorialism,polaroid,rain, reading,retro fashion, sci-fi, sex education, sexual girls, Shawna, Silent films, sleeping, sushi,toy cameras, vegetarianism, videogames, vintage, vintage clothes, vintage videogames, water,women with glasses, women with pale skin,†,
Artists I Support.