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Be positive.

About Me

Can't really think of anything to say here, might update it later.

My Interests


Mostly rock, some pop, a lot of metal, some rap, and very little country. Also enjoy the occasional classical or symphony music.(Especially when it's mixed with doom metal)For specific bands, check out my friend list.


I mostly enjoy movies in the comedy genre, but I also enjoy pretty much everything as far as movies go. It's very rare that I watch a movie that I don't enjoy even the slightest bit.


Mostly anime, but I enjoy american sitcoms. (Small)List of favorite anime: Serial Experiments Lain, Mahoraba ~heartful days~, Fruits Basket, Trigun, He is My Master, and Dual!American shows I've been into recently are Scrubs, The Office, Heroes, Chuck, South Park, and... Not very much aside from that.I'm also a big fan of animation in general, 60% of modern cartoons I find worth viewing. Also, Chowder is amazing.


The Bible, the Boogiepop novel series (Next book out in August! Yay!), The Outsiders, Battle Royale, American Gods, Twilight, and that's it, I guess.Then there's manga. I'm a fan of Excel Saga, Fruits Basket, Negima, and Gunslinger Girl.