Surfing, Snowboarding, hanging with friends, partying, movies, long walks on the beach, and meeting new people.
Go to for your local surf forecastsAny girl that can catch my eye, enjoys my company, loves my passions in life, just a cool down to earth cool chick...
Surf Quiz
Are you A short boarder or long boarder? Shortboarder
Are you Goofy or Regular? Natural
Which way do you prefer to surf, left or right? Right
What has been your perfect surf day so far? Waking up for a morning session and seeing it double over head
Do you surf alone or use the buddy system? Buddy system.. but when i am feeling down I like to surf alone and rip
What kind of board do you have? I have HIC 6'4, a T. Paterson 6'4, and Billabong 6'6
Surf Station or Blue Sky? Surf Station
Where do you usually surf? Dewey Beach Delaware, Ocean City MD, Cape May Nj, OBX
Whats more scary, sharks or dolphins? Sharks
Whats the main question you ask in the line-up? Hows it been today
What kind of wax do you use? Sticky Bumps
Would you rather be in double overhead water goin on 10ft waves or thigh high water on 1 ft waves? Double overhead
Do you like winter or summer surfing better? Winter East Coast represent.. Summer Surf can be cool too
Do you rock your wetty? Fuck yeah
Do you like wearing your wetty? I rock it out... reminds me my wetty its in the back of my car in my Wetty bag
Do you wear a swim suit or baggies with it? Yes
Have you ever not worn a swim suit or baggies with your wetty? Yes and got a Horrible rash
Who is one sufer you would like to meet and get lessons from? Rob Machado or Timmy Curran
Where would you rather go, Hawaii or California? Hawaii
Have you ever seen a shark in the line-up? Yes
Have you ever started your own line-up? No
Do you dream about surfing? Yes I had a Nightmare that i wipe out and couldn't get back to the top of the water
What would be your dream board? Al Merrick
Have you ever competed? No
Do you like competing or free surf better? Free Surf
Where would you most like to surf when you get older? Puerto Rico- Gas Chambers
Do you want to go pro? No
How much do you surf ever week? 2-10 times depending where I am
What would be your PERFECT day of surfing be like? Surfing for 8 1/2 hours with out leaving the water
Too much to List........Long Island Winter Surfing....Backdoor..........Bethany Beach Delaware
Fast times at ridgemont high, empire records, endless summer, dazed and confused, american pie, american wedding, american pie2, etc.
spring breaks 90s one rock more, melrose place, 90210, party of five, laguna beach, road rules, real world, family guy, hang time, dawson creek,My Surfboard design By Eric Arakawa DSD Machine
One L. its about law school, THE GAME ....
one of the top surfers and my role model-----Andy Irons 3x world champion surfer