gray kitties, russia, yugoslavia, new orleans, coffee, systematic theology, somali bantu refugees.
the woman i am going to be when i am 40.
wilco death cab seu jorge chris tomlin smashing pumpkins radiohead the shins michael w. smith (select albums) the fire theft the innocence mission damien rice the reindeer section sufjon arcade fire and anyone else who sings about jesus, no matter how inadvertantly they may do it.
the brave little toaster is hands down my favorite movie. there isnt even a contest. well, actually fiddler in the roof is a close second but some of the songs bore me, and absolutely nothing about the brave little toaster bores me. scares me half to death, maybe, but it certainly doesnt bore me. have you ever noticed how scary little kid movies used to be? and how terribly tragic? if you have ever seen the last unicorn than you know what i am talking about. they dont make them like that anymore these days.
um. i watch the simpsons with my dad. it is how we bond. we laugh at completely different things and then laugh at each other for laughing at those things. i am absurdist, he is slapstick.
the book of jonah, anything by j.d. salinger, the return of the prodigal son, anything by cs. lewis, the life of pi, the anne of green gables set, les miserables, anything by a.w. tozer. oh, oh and donald miller . . . my gosh i covet that man.
my mom.