danielle. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

it's been interesting, to say the least. YAY FOR CHRISTMAS! Here is the first in my series of muppet family christmas clips: .. width="425" height="350" .. this one time i danced in a music video. want to watch? okay. .. .. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

gray kitties, russia, yugoslavia, new orleans, coffee, systematic theology, somali bantu refugees.

I'd like to meet:

the woman i am going to be when i am 40.


wilco death cab seu jorge chris tomlin smashing pumpkins radiohead the shins michael w. smith (select albums) the fire theft the innocence mission damien rice the reindeer section sufjon arcade fire and anyone else who sings about jesus, no matter how inadvertantly they may do it.


the brave little toaster is hands down my favorite movie. there isnt even a contest. well, actually fiddler in the roof is a close second but some of the songs bore me, and absolutely nothing about the brave little toaster bores me. scares me half to death, maybe, but it certainly doesnt bore me. have you ever noticed how scary little kid movies used to be? and how terribly tragic? if you have ever seen the last unicorn than you know what i am talking about. they dont make them like that anymore these days.


um. i watch the simpsons with my dad. it is how we bond. we laugh at completely different things and then laugh at each other for laughing at those things. i am absurdist, he is slapstick.


the book of jonah, anything by j.d. salinger, the return of the prodigal son, anything by cs. lewis, the life of pi, the anne of green gables set, les miserables, anything by a.w. tozer. oh, oh and donald miller . . . my gosh i covet that man.


my mom.

My Blog

love's the greatest thing that we have

yup. we're engaged.watch out world. krispin+danielle=adventures like the world ain't never seen....
Posted by danielle. on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 11:11:00 PST

snow day

i woke up this morning to the sounds of children sledding. sledding! in portland oregon. i worked until 11 last night, and there wasn't a flake in the sky. and now--i can snowshoe all over my neighbor...
Posted by danielle. on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:26:00 PST

a reminder for myself

my mom doesn't have cancer, i am not divorced, my alimony is not running out, my life is not defined by my job, i am not a refugee in my own country, i don't live alone, i don't owe the government tho...
Posted by danielle. on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:18:00 PST

numa numa

i apologize to anyone who has seen this before . . . i am a little slow on the internet trends. a quick backstory: so, i work with african refugees. and man, those little kids can dance. one time we w...
Posted by danielle. on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 04:28:00 PST

danielle gets domestic.

this is the pie me and catherine baked yesterday afternoon. we did it from scratch, and i am so, so proud. i was going to name him, but it is always weird when you name something you are about t...
Posted by danielle. on Fri, 26 May 2006 03:22:00 PST

the days are just packed.

so the other day i was sitting in the upstairs lounge at the seminary building (because i like to pretend sometimes that i am not a measly undergrad but instead a wise, self-confident, theologica...
Posted by danielle. on Thu, 04 May 2006 08:50:00 PST

a little bit older.

so be prepared for the most self-indulgent blog ever to hit this side of myspace. although, if we are being honest here, every blog in the whole wide world reeks a little bit of self-indulgence. i am ...
Posted by danielle. on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:46:00 PST

the shortest month of the year deserves our gratitude

it's been a long january, my friends. but today it shined for the first time in weeks and the somali kids laughed and learned and fingered my hair in their grubby little hands and i learn something ne...
Posted by danielle. on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 10:30:00 PST

bible college. what it does.

these past couple of days have been pretty awful. i hate it when what i think does not match up at all with what i feel.
Posted by danielle. on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 04:55:00 PST

you remind me of

finally, my sister is home. we were driving into portland today and she looked at the city skyline and said those words "i am home." and then she sighed.  i pretty much feel like that e...
Posted by danielle. on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 06:52:00 PST