YOUNG LIFE!,disc golf, ultimate frisbee, baseball(esp The Braves), seeing live music, playing music,shark fishing, cliff jumping, traveling, cuttin a rug, building campfires,throwing parties, my friends mean the world to me
John Lennon, Eminem, Cedric the Entertainer, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Martin Luther King Jr., Trey Anastasio, Jim Rome
The bands i listen to the most this order...1) The Beatles 2) Phish 3) The Grateful Dead 4) The Allman Brothers Band. Right now I'm bumpin The Black Crowes, The Faces, Ryan Adams and The Cardinals, Grace Potter, My Morning Jacket and Tea Leaf Green.
Pardon the Interuption, Seinfield, Austin City Limits, SNL w/ Will Ferrell, Wonder Years, Cosby,
Phish Companion Vol. 1 & 2, Relix magazine, Disc Golf World News, The Conversation Piece Vol. 1 & 2
Dad, Grandfather, Dale Murphy, Sunny Ortiz, anyone who makes a living playing disc golf