Listening to music, sewing, cooking, auctions, singing (even though I can't sing) I like the idea of singing, I would love to be trained...
America's # 1 gansta George Bush
Just beats really nobody I can think of.
Chocolat (the spanish movie with the subtitles) Passion of the Christ only watched once. (Once was enough- did you see the whip tear off his skin, OUCH!)
Law and Order, CSI, Fake out, Crimminal Minds, Forensic File, Body of Edvidence, 48 Hours, Master Minds, Cold Case files (The real cold case files not the CBS show) you probly never hear of some of these shows unless you watch a lot of court TV or TNT
"Chances" by jackie Collins, The only book that made me interested in reading.(Jackie collins is a feak it's almost porn) Bill Clinton's Book, I only read through half of it though. "Demon in the freezer", a true story about the polio virus the government was freezing in their labs & the recent terror attacks on america, and "The Rainbow Bible", living word edition, is so much clearer than the King James Version.
Maya Angelo, and my mother, because they taught me to respect myself, it took awhile, but eventually I listened. I call them heros