Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! profile picture

Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Myspace BackgroundsWell My name is really Dorothy, but for some reason that sounds all old and stuff. I guess I am old though, I am 36. I live in Minnesota. I moved here about 2 years ago to live with my now Husband Darren. I play Video Games, mainly World of Warcraft, and work at Best Buy. I have met some of the most amazing people online, including my hubby! The most remarkable thing I have ever done is become a mom. I have three AMAZING daughters. They are spectacular.I tend to try to make everyone happy in my world, and that sometimes can be the death of me. Empathy is my number one talent theme.I have intense love for those I care about and I guard them fiercely. Maybe someday I will love you too!
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My Interests

Create your own Friend Test hereGaming, Photography, Computers, Books.


I'd like to meet:

I have never thought about this too much. I will have to think of a good answer for this.*Edit After Much Thinking*I would like to call this who I'd like to reconnect with rather than Who I'd like to meet.There are people who along my life have shaped me, and helped me to become the person I am. Sometimes you just loose touch and I am horrible for that. If you got a random add me, it is probably because you are on this list.Angela Serrao Shannon Galloway Jason Gage Brian Bergbauer Guy Lewis Matt Warner Chris Warner Ajaycolts-Angie Slate Buck Leah Leonard Jennifer Leonard Jeff Leonard Rusti Aurandt Jared Lynn Jeff Pickard Alex McCrory Kris Jagielski Matthew Hovis Gabriel Foote and many more!


Wayyyy tooo manyyy to listtt!!!


Dogfight, Any Kevin Smith Movie, Gladiator, Titanic, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Kill Bill 1 and 2, just too many also to list...


Heroes, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives, October Road, Grey's Anatomy, Side Order of Life, State of Mind, And the CBS Soap lineup!


Any book by either Jodi Picoult or Jennifer Weiner.


So I have been reading folks myspace's and seeing all these "Heroes". Well one of my heroes would have to be my sister Beatrice. She is so many things. A great mom, a soldier,wife, and a wonderful sister and daughter. She can make me laugh like no one else.I will be so glad when she is out of the Navy so she is safe from harm.I remember when we were little, I used to call her Bea Bea De Linus! She will remember that one and its significance. Also, the one time we got hammered and put on prom dresses and video taped it. That was special!

My Blog

Today was a bad day

You would think that it being the first day of school I would be happy and excited for my kids. I guess I was, but I had to miss it all. I work in the morning and of course was not there to see them ...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 01:41:00 PST

Stop the insanity!!!

So today I went for my "Contact lens class". Oh my..this is not as easy as I thought it would be. First I put them in the wrong eyes. Then driving home I felt like I could not see anything.  I co...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 03:08:00 PST

I officially hate school shopping

Shoot me in the head.  I took my girls and Lindsie shopping today. I seriously hate school shopping.  Everything is so expensive and also... I just hate shopping in general. Even though we h...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 04:04:00 PST

Totally Inappropriate!

Let me start by saying I am in way, shape, or form prejudice...but this was a weird thing today. I was school shopping for supplies for my daughters in the local Wal-Mart today. I had gotten a full ba...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 02:38:00 PST

Reception woes

So I was getting fairly excited now about the wedding reception, because a few good friends have committed to coming, particularly my friend Michelle from California.  Well today I talk to my MOM...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 01:59:00 PST

ZOMG A BAT!@&*!&@*!&@*!!!!!

Zomg there was a BAT In our warehouse today!! It was the funniest thing. My manager Brent (Imagine tall man, bald man) is standing next to my co-worker Tim and I see Brent swoop down and "something" f...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 01:56:00 PST

I used to feel like this, but no more.

Waiting, wishing, hoping, praying,wondering if life will ever change...wanting so much to have hope,to find love, to discover fulfillment...Seeking comfort in the arms of many, this the ...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:10:00 PST

A life less ordinary

So heres my day. I got written up at work for making an honest mistake.  I miscounted some mp3 players. I counted them twice, both times making the same mistake. I guess I am just too stupid to s...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Thu, 31 May 2007 03:56:00 PST


Tonight my 9 year old thought it would be okay to lie to me about her whereabouts.  She told me she was going to a volley ball game at the local school with her friend and that the friends father...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 08:10:00 PST

The VA Massacre

I would be lying if I did not say that the events on 4/16 at VA Tech did not upset me immensely. I went home and thought about how easy it would be just at either of the schools my children attend for...
Posted by Alybeth, Trist, Dodi, it's all the same! on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 03:30:00 PST