Bryan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome to my space! I love to learn. I think that learning is the most important gift in the world. I like the balance of truth, and the love it takes.I like people, music, dancing, yoga, life, culture, laughing, loving...about everything! I graduated in 2006 from Minnesota State University - Mankato with my BA Dance. Aurora Dance is the name of my company. Aurora's mission is to create a "totality" of movement experience. We study the blend of movement and the qualities of adding sound, and drama.Check out the pictures of the students I got to know teaching Contact Improvisation at River Falls. Teaching was such a GREAT way to learn!I also dance for Christopher Watson Dance and Kinetic Evolutions."-Certainty is not clarity, but blindness"

My Interests

Dance, Yoga, Theatre, Musical Theatre, Dance History, Art History, Lieder, Opera, Alternative Music, Soul, Blues, Piano, Self-Improvement, Meditation, Reading, Photography, Language, Philosophy, Ethics, Logic, Nature, Activism, Finance, Politics, Insurance

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet fellow artists for collaboration and performance. New and exciting people that have a positive energy about them who enjoying learning and loving as much as I do.


Opera, 20th Century opera, Lieder, Les Chansons, Bjork, Soul, Blues, Minimalist, Styx, Animal Collective, Radiohead, Showtunes, Marilyn Manson, Capone Allstars, Experimental, Mogwai, Regina Spektor, Beastie Boys, Guns and Roses, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, Tenacious D, Alanis Morissette, Gun N' Roses, The Beatles, The Doors, The Eagles, Van Morrison, Violent Femmes, Mastodon, Yakuza, Sigur Ros


Pan's Labrynth, The Fountain, Amelie, What Dreams May Come, Moulin Rouge, Dream Girls, West Side Story, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Lilo and Stitch, Gosford Park, Brokedown Palace, Whale Rider, Sense and Sensibility


America's Next Top Model is about the only thing I ever watch.


When God Was A Woman, god is not Great, Physics of Consciousness, Wheel of Time Series, The Celestine Prophecy (meh), Moby Dick, Oliver, The Belle Jar, Harry Potter (I own the whole series!) Dragonlance, Grapes of Wrath, E=Einstein, Six Questions of Socrates, Shadow Warriors, Bhagavad Gita, Angel's in America, Edgar Allan Poe, Good ole Bill Shakespeare, Euripedes, Socrates, The Shattered Stone


Martha Graham and Ted Shawn

My Blog

An ode to the married, the religious, and The Ones Who Have vs. The Ones Without

This is a quote from a book called Six Questions of Socrates written by Christopher Phillips.  You can find it on page 270.  I think this is beautifully written and I hope you can enjoy it."...
Posted by Bryan on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:44:00 PST

For everyone who is introverted...even just a little.

Caring for Your Introvert Jonathan Rauch comments on reader feedback about introvert datingand poses a new question 2FYSBUJArWwN2Etu Do ...
Posted by Bryan on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 11:29:00 PST

Aurora Repertory

Dance Capone All Stars - St Croix Casino and Hotel (2007-2008) Christopher Watson; Kiss the Rain (2006), From Blossoms [David Wick (2006)], Cha Cha (2007), Panorama (2007), Work in Progress (2007...
Posted by Bryan on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 01:48:00 PST

So much love

It’s a burden of joy, I think, to love with such conviction.  Love is caught between a fierce will for independence, the joy of self, and the presence of an immense passion for touchin...
Posted by Bryan on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:33:00 PST

For those who love soda...

Here is a record of several voice recordings that I have made over the last two years while under the influence of craving soda.  These are exact dictations...enjoy!  ;) May 13:  "The a...
Posted by Bryan on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 06:57:00 PST

Take a breath...

I'm alive, sitting in a bathtub of hot water.  I can feel my life washing over me.  My experience is a porous existence of everything that I've heard, seen, tasted, smelled, touched and...
Posted by Bryan on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 09:39:00 PST


Today I graduated from MSU!  It's a great feeling.  Now that I've given my speech, I can post a copy here!  (Cuz it's not secret anymore) Enjoy! Bryan Gerber; Commencement Speech, Fall ...
Posted by Bryan on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 03:46:00 PST

To my students who rock...

My time being an official teacher at River Falls is at an end for the semester.  I've had a GREAT time teaching Dance Improvisation to an AWESOME bunch of students. Each week my students jou...
Posted by Bryan on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 05:29:00 PST