Dance, Yoga, Theatre, Musical Theatre, Dance History, Art History, Lieder, Opera, Alternative Music, Soul, Blues, Piano, Self-Improvement, Meditation, Reading, Photography, Language, Philosophy, Ethics, Logic, Nature, Activism, Finance, Politics, Insurance
I'd like to meet fellow artists for collaboration and performance. New and exciting people that have a positive energy about them who enjoying learning and loving as much as I do.
Opera, 20th Century opera, Lieder, Les Chansons, Bjork, Soul, Blues, Minimalist, Styx, Animal Collective, Radiohead, Showtunes, Marilyn Manson, Capone Allstars, Experimental, Mogwai, Regina Spektor, Beastie Boys, Guns and Roses, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, Tenacious D, Alanis Morissette, Gun N' Roses, The Beatles, The Doors, The Eagles, Van Morrison, Violent Femmes, Mastodon, Yakuza, Sigur Ros
Pan's Labrynth, The Fountain, Amelie, What Dreams May Come, Moulin Rouge, Dream Girls, West Side Story, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Lilo and Stitch, Gosford Park, Brokedown Palace, Whale Rider, Sense and Sensibility
America's Next Top Model is about the only thing I ever watch.
When God Was A Woman, god is not Great, Physics of Consciousness, Wheel of Time Series, The Celestine Prophecy (meh), Moby Dick, Oliver, The Belle Jar, Harry Potter (I own the whole series!) Dragonlance, Grapes of Wrath, E=Einstein, Six Questions of Socrates, Shadow Warriors, Bhagavad Gita, Angel's in America, Edgar Allan Poe, Good ole Bill Shakespeare, Euripedes, Socrates, The Shattered Stone
Martha Graham and Ted Shawn