~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! profile picture

~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!!

I am here for Friends

About Me

A Bunch of Totally Random Questions in No Particular Order!
Full Name:: Paula Michelle Willacy
Nickname(s):: P, little mermaid, baby girl....
Birthday:: 1st October 1985
Birthplace:: Preston, Lancashire UK
Zodiac Sign:: Libra
Heritage:: British
Eye Color:: Hazel
Now to the JUICY stuff!
Where do you want to live when you grow up?: America
What's your BEST physical feature?: Eyes and legs
What's your BEST personality trait?: Honesty and loyalty
Worst?: Not very trusting
What did you want to be when you were younger?: Singer
What's your biggest regret?: This year
Have you ever been stalked by some wierdo?: Yes
How long do you think you will live?: No idea.... hopefully to my nineties!!
What is your most HAPPY experience?: Having my baby Haydn
Most PAINFUL?: Giving birth to Haydn and losing my mum
Do you strive to fit in?: Nope
Have you ever, purposely, lit yourself on fire?: Fuck no!!
What is(are) your favorite color(s)?: Black, purple, silver, light blue, pink
Least favorite?: Snot green
Have you ever fallen down the stairs? Now answer truthfully!: Almost everyday!! i fall UP the stairs more though!!
Ever broke a bone?: Yes, my arm and nose when i got run over.
Have you kissed anyone within the last 24 hours?: Only Haydn
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: No
Ever been to jail?: No
Ever seen someone die?: No
Have you ever questioned your heart?: Plenty of times!!
Have you squished your barefeet through the mud?: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
What is your favorite type of music?: Metal
What is the last thing you bought from the pharmacy?: Can't remember...
Do you think you are crazy/insane?: Yes!!! muahahahahaha!!!!!
Have you ever drowned a fish?: How the fuck can you drown a fish?!?!?!
What is the WORST gift you've ever received?: A nightie of my ex's mum that was blue and pink and had a cartoon girl on it with a Libra sign.
What annoys you the most?: Backstabbers and people who make fun of disabled people!!
What is your favorite food? Item or type.: At the mo, chicken slices on toast with coleslaw.
Do you have any fears?: Spiders, Pigeons, death, being single forever....
What are your Turn Ons?: Great personality, cheeky smile, loyalty, a guy with a bit of meat on them.
Turn Offs?: Arogence, scrawny body, bad breath, cheaters.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes.
Have you recently colored with crayons?: Yes :o)
Ever been kissed underneathe the mistletoe?: No
Have you had your tongue stuck to a popsicle?: No
If you could marry ANYONE, who would it be?: Matt Hardy and Ville valo!!!
What is your favorite candy?: Mint Kit Kat's
Favorite Store?: New Look
Do you have a luck number? If so, what is it?: 68
Who is your bestest friend in the whole wide world?: Kerrie
Which one of your friends have you known the LONGEST?: Vikki
Do you drink milk?: No!!!
Do you play an instrument?: No
Do you smoke?: Yes
Have you ever been drunk?: Daft question!!!
Who is your role model?: I dn't have one
Who looks up to you?: My neice and my son
Can you eat whatever you want and not worry about it?: Can i buggary!!! i just need to look at food and i balloon 5 sizes!!
Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla
Cake or pie?: Cake
Chinese food or Mexican food?: Chinese
Strawberries or blueberries?: Strawberries
How many rings until you answer the phone?: As many as it takes for the best part of my ringtone!!
Can you dance?: Not really
Sing?: Meh....
Have you ever screamed at the top of your lungs?: Not for years!!
Are you too scared to watch scary movies by yourself?: Yeah, i can't leave the room afterwards without peeking my head round the door first!!
Have you ever laughed so hard that you peed your pants?: No
Have you ever, at any time, owned any New Kids on the Block stuff?: Hell no!!
What movie makes you cry when you watch it?: Save the last dance.
Would you eat a cockroach for $500?: No!!!
Are you bored?: Yes
Do you like roller coasters?: Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you believe in vampires?: No
If you could become one, would you?: Yes
Have you ever blown a beverage out of your nose?: Not on purpose...
Do you have any medical problems?: Asthma
If so, how many?: 1
How long have you had them/it?: Since i was a child
Is it bad?: No
Can people get it from you?: No
Can you die from it?: If it was really bad
Can it be cured?: It can go on it' own
Are you wondering why I'm asking you about your medical history?: Yeah.....
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: The moon
Would you choose to be very rich or to find true love?: Find true love
Do you like surprises?: Kinda...
Sneakers/heels/flats?: All 3
Shorts/jeans/skirt?: Jeans
Do you snore?: No
Have you ever been suspended?: No
Are you a health freak?: No
Do you believe in God?: Not really...
What is your favorite holiday?: Christmas
Favorite type of music?: You have already asked ths....
Favorite local band?: Crash
Favorite song?: Better than me - Hinder
Let's walk on the:: Wild side
Let's look at the:: Stars
What a nice:: ass hahahahahahaha!!!!
Where did all the:: Beer go?!?! Kerrie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why can't we:: Make money appear from nowhere?!
Silly little:: Shit lol!!
Isn't it wierd that:: I'm enjoying doing this survey!!
Never, under any circumstance:: Laugh with beer in your mouth...
I wish:: MSN would stop being a poohead lol
Everyone has a:: Crush on Ville Valo!!
Which came first, the:: Bee or the Sambuca?!
How many licks does it take:: I won't answer that!!
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My Interests

Myspace Layouts - Pink Myspace Layouts
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oh god here we go..... HIM, Paramore, green day,69 eyes, negative, Himsa, limp bizkit, rollingstones, pearl jam, Cradle Of Filth, Reflexion, Peroxwhygen, Day Eleven, .... sod that.. too many to list!!! oh yeah, i'm still a hanson fan... whatcha gonna do?


any comedies, hate scary films!! rom-coms can be cool... sometimes!!


good cheesy soaps, some reality tv, WWE wrestling ( gotta love Matt & Jeff Hardy!! )


any autobiographies, coz i is nosey!! lmao!!


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My Blog

Damn you Meesh!! lol. Ive been tagged!!

The lovely Meesh and Beth tagged me so I'm spreading the love!! Check for your name at the bottom biyatches! Here's how you play: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 ...
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:53:00 PST

My baby started school today!!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! he looked so damn cute in his uniform and he was really excited about meeting all his new classmates and teachers. I felt really proud taking my baby into his classroom for the...
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 02:27:00 PST

my baby starts school tomrrow :o(

wow!! i cannot believe that the time has finally come and that my baby Haydn is starting primary school in the morning It doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago that Haydn was born. Everyone always says " c...
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 06:03:00 PST

Haydn graduated nursery today!!!

My lil' Baby Haydn graduated from nursery today!! here are some pics of him in his graduation party outfit; also, his pic with his class mates will be in the local news paper in the next two days so w...
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 09:49:00 PST

my Cradleof Filth concert pics from tonight!!!!!!!!

the show fucking ruled and i was right at the front!!!!!!!! you can take any of the pics, i'm not bothered!!...
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 05:00:00 PST

Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving.... read this... it describes me perfectly

Portrait of an ENFP - Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving(Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Feeling) The Inspirer As an ENFP, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you...
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 04:29:00 PST

Haydn's Mother's Day Card....

  my gorgeous baby tried to write his own name in it too!!! ^_^...
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 11:14:00 PST

Haydn's valentine's day card...

Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:22:00 PST

my baby's new swimming certificate!!

Haydn's swimming certificate he got today!! it says that he can; Enter the water safely Walking or floating vertically               &n...
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:09:00 PST

haydn's results on myheritage.com

hehehehehe!! he looks like prince harry!!!! that is so cute!!!
Posted by ~Lil' Miss Paula~ Welcome back Matt!!!! on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:28:00 PST