Tamran profile picture


The Original Hardy Diva

About Me

I never know what to put here. I mean what is there to really say about yourself? Other than the normal stuff? But all of that can be found to the left *points to the left* I mean.. you know like am I married? Am I a parent? Things of that nature. I could list things I like but that too can be found to the left *points to the left again* So there really isn't a lot that any one person can put here (Unless you are me..lol). One thing I could talk about are my wonderful friends. They mean the world to me. Yall know who you are ;) . My wonderful family.. what would I do without them? If you are in my personal life then you are really something special!
I do too much at all times. I never get enough sleep. I write a lot of blogs sometimes and most times they are very long! I as a whole am a happy person. I have lots of things to be happy about. I do suffer from depression from time to time. But I embrace it and deal with it the best I know how. I smile a lot most times. Take lots of dorky pics to put on myspace for some strange reason. I love to make graphics. I make all my own layouts for here and have one or two or more out there in myspace land that I made. It's a good release for me when I'm not having the best of days. I love with my whole heart at all times. If I say "I love you" then by God I mean it! I try to make people laugh as much as I can. I may not be the smartest person in this world, but that's ok. I sometimes never know what to say. As shocking as that is to some, it's the truth. I cry for no reason sometimes. Cry cause I'm happy..cry cause I'm sad.. cry cause I'm mad. Hell I will cry just to damn cry! I'm always there no matter what if you are my friend/family. I am me..that's all there is to it.
So yeah if ya want you can add me. I do try my hardest to return comments. It takes a little while sometimes if I am able to. If it's not a personal type comment, I usually "try" to send out have a good weekend comments at least to the ones that have posted one to me over that one given week. But it gets really hard to send out comments with so many friends. So please don't think that I don't care or think I'm not super thankful when I don't get to leave comments.
If you send me a message and I don't reply please don't take it personal. I get a lot of messages on here and it's really hard to reply to each and every one of them.

My Interests

Talking on the phone, call me and just see..lol! Texting.. ohh it's the in thing to do ;) Wrestling, Avon, Graphic work. There are a lot of things I am interested in.

I'd like to meet:

There are many people I want to meet face to face. Most of them are from myspace and online. I've met some of the most amazing people here and it is my dream to be able to see them and hug them in person..if only one time in my life! Then of course take as many pics as they will allow me too...LOL!!


I'm not too picky when it comes to music. Though I do not like Sheryl Crow..lol. I'm sure there are others I don't like, but she is the one that will make me change the station..lol As a whole I guess I'm a rock/alternative music person. My all time fav band is Aerosmith and I can listen to them over and over again.

Click Banner Below To Visit The Official Tam-Tam Can Myspace


I will watch anything really. I love horror movies, love stories, comedy stuff, shit that blows up..lol. Doesn't matter really cause I will give anything a shot. My fav movie has to be The NoteBook. Just the best love story! My other fav is The Wizard of Oz! Put in Brokeback Mountain and I'm so there!


WWE, CSI, Big Brother, Ghost Whisperer, Moonlight, Criminal Minds, CSI:NY. Old timers.. Roseanne is top of the list! Fresh Prince of Belair. Let me just say, turn on Nick @ Nite and I'm good! George Lopez really rules me!

Matt's 1st Interview As US Champ


Anything by Nicholas Sparks, John Saul. I don't really read as much as I use to. Other than if it's online. So I guess I get some reading in at least...lol


My son, Scott, Mom and Dad, Grandparents on both sides of the family.

My Blog

A Glass Of Cham Pain

That's right.. Marty on ThaOShow.com this week with his own new segment! Make sure you go check it out! Go to ThaOShow.com and look for Rated O Radio-Episode 67. Marty comes on about 1hr 29min.Tha bo...
Posted by Tamran on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 04:04:00 PST

Cham Pain!!!

hey guys i wanted to come in here and ask for your help. there are some good things happening with cham pain at the moment. but we still need your help! if you could please keep sending in those email...
Posted by Tamran on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 10:39:00 PST

Cham Pain Torch Interview

First off you do have to be a paying VIP member to hear this interview. So if you are one go have a listen. If you aren't and want to hear you may join.The Torch presents another episode of the often-...
Posted by Tamran on Fri, 30 May 2008 09:30:00 PST

Cham Pain on Tha O Show

You can catch Cham Pain on the radio show Tha O Show now- Episode 66 Marty comes on around 2:10.Click here to listen now!Cham Pain will also be a regular on the show as well!And the first of TWO new m...
Posted by Tamran on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:05:00 PST

awww this was cute!

Treadmill Kittens ..shawn and i just sat here and laughed at these cats. too cute!...
Posted by Tamran on Wed, 14 May 2008 04:12:00 PST

Cham Pain Interview!

Please repost this!!...
Posted by Tamran on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:01:00 PST

Cham Pain Interview Now up!

"Cham-Pain" Marty Garner is our special guest on tonight's edition of William Hatfield's The Wrestling Hotseat brought to you courtesy of www. hirepowered. com In his first ever interview, Marty Garn...
Posted by Tamran on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:42:00 PST

Cham Pain Supporters!! *link fixed*

Click Banner Below To Add The Cham Pain Supporters MySpace Page...
Posted by Tamran on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:54:00 PST

Cham Pain Interview

The Wrestling Hotseat will be doing an interview with Marty "Cham Pain" Garner on Tuesday. You are more than welcome to head over to their myspace page and submit a question you may have for Marty. Wr...
Posted by Tamran on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 04:58:00 PST

The Story of Marty "Cham Pain" Garner

you all might know him as matt, jeff, shane and shannon's friend. he's been on the show. he wrestled with them in OMEGA. he is still living out his dream of wrestling. but wants to make it after all t...
Posted by Tamran on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 09:19:00 PST