people...well people who have a strong desire to change the what's on the channel
Anything with real composition. But for starters I am in love with PORTISHEAD, Bjork, Jimmy Smith, Thelonious MONK and anything that falls in between, sonically
Im not really a movie guy but anything with an intellectual meaning will do good (fight club, Se7ven and Life Aquatic). Im a commercial guy myself, anybody who can get you hooked on a product in 30/60 seconds in amazing
In the universal life goal of striving to be an individual one cannot seek and see such a goal thru the use of a molded, corrupted and mainpulated glass frame tube. The Tele is the truth to our false image
Invisible Monster, flip-out nimrod, fugitives and refugees, and most recently, the perks of being a wallflower
Chomsky, Jung, Zinn, Kubrick and Gondry