black symbiote + goblin serum + me = carnage!!! but my wicked abilities are better then topher grace looking woos. what my costume does is same powers as eric from that 70's show lookalike. same strength, same jump height, crawl on walls, the suit can heal me, feed on people exept i don't feed on their energy but suck the life out of people life forms. and my webbing can come out from any part of me but it's red and black. i can turn the tips of my body razor sharp. but something that can take me down: loan noises. OH I CAN'T STAND LOUD NOISES!!!! my symbiote can seperate from me to do some serious damage. but fro some reason i feel like something is trying to crawll out from beneath my skin. but what ever because now I CAN CONTROL MYSELF!!!!!! I AM MAXIMUM CARNAGE!!!
killed the hobgoblin. spidey and venom got pissed. i kidnapped maryjane watson and started cutting her on her arm with my symbiote at my secret stash. then the 2 dorks came and tried to take me down. i kicked both their asses. but something suddenly happened. spidey whipped out a sonic cannon and shot me. too bad because my weakness is noise. my costume evaperated along with my skin. no costume + no skin = uh oh. i was a gonner, then. see after that venom and webhead got into a little fight. spiderman turned on all the gas in the acme wharehouse and lit a match. everything blew up. they both managed to survived. spidey protected himself by a webshield. venom barely survived. his weakness is heat. the fire was too bareble for him to take it. is costume was slowely disappering too. he could barely walk to spiderman to feed on him. he died. right in his arms. but one atom of the suit managed to survived and duplicated it's cells. it found it's way to brock's grave and venom survived. if he found a way then i found a way. I'M BACK!!! AND I'M NOW MAXIMUM CARNAGE!!!