Discovering TRUTH mostly...this world is FULL of LIES just in case you didn't know...Beautiful LIES at times, but LIES none-the-less!I enjoy Bible study and Christian lit. And I'm OBSESSED with all my "Little Monsters" aka "Little Preciouses" who are my kids and their friends. They are WAY TOO COOL not to hang with!I get lost on the internet a lot these days! And I think COFFEE is one of God's GREATEST CREATIONS EVER!
I'd like to meet:
The Apostle Paul -- you can't get much more of an "extreme makeover" than that guy got!And I'd love to meet Kermit the Frog and Weird Al Yankovic too!
I recommend TRUTH-Based, Faith-Based Music, and the character of my favorite musicians is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE to me! You will find IMPECCABLE CHARACTER within the list below, as well as INCREDIBLE MUSIC!EleventysevenThis Beautiful RepublicLADENFive Talents MoreLeelandafterEightCircleslide
Sanctus Real
Casting CrownsThird Day
David Crowder Band
Chris Tomlin
Building 429
By The Tree
Edison GlassNumber One GunIvorylineRun Kid RunRelient KSwitchfoot
Stephen Speaks
NeverthelessStars Go DimRun Kid RunFamily Force 5Thousand Foot KrutchRuthMxPxFireflightFlyleafSweet MemorialThe AlmostFairMatt RedmanDead PoeticSpartaDizmasKids In The WayEmeryHyper Static UnionWavorlyStarfieldBlindsideLara LandonStarflyer 59SkilletDays Off ScreenThis Fires EmbraceJonezettaSpur 58The TurningOceans FiringDecyfer DownLove For LawandaThe FinalistLife In RescueThe RideSevengloryThe WeddingThe UndeservingTyler WardJared MillerJeff JohnsonMADISON AVENUEDonna Stuart& Me In Motion!!! (check 'em out!)There's great music all around us if we look for it! We don't always have to settle for the stuff that everybody else is listening to. That just gets old! Be original! Anyway, I'm finding MORE great stuff everyday! I'll list it as I can.
My favs of all time are:Second Hand Lions
A Walk To RememberGreaseThe NotebookBeachesThe Princess Bride
Pee Wee's Big AdventureFreedom WritersBecause of Winn DixieELFThe Princess Diaries& All the old Disney Stuff my kids used to watch over and over again when they were really little! =)I saw Evan Almighty recently too, and LIKED IT A LOT! (The llamas are PRETTY!) =)
I like The Logan Show a lot! He ALWAYS picks musical guests who I LIKE! Not sure how he always KNOWS what I'm gonna like, but he DOES!And believe it or not, lately, The Gospel Music Channel ROCKS!!! I KNOW!!! It was hard for me to believe too, but I've heard everything from Family Force 5, to Skillet, Dead Poetic, to Norma Jean, and UnderOath on there recently! Check it out for yourself!It's Channel 172 in our area, and it ain't just your Grandma's Gospel Music anymore~! I mean, The Almost is playing on there as I type! UNBELIEVABLE for sure!!!
Currently Reading:When God Writes Your Love Storyby Eric & Leslie Ludy& Fresh Faithby Jim Cymbala& Blue Like Jazzby Donald MillerOther Books I've Read Recently:Lies Women Believe And The Truth That Sets Them Freeby Nancy Leigh DeMossCaptivatingby John & Stasi EldredgeLike Dandelion Dust(A Novel of Life Changing Fiction)by Karen KingsburyWild At Heartby John EldredgeTHIS BOOK IS AWESOME!!! It's GREAT for GUYS and for the GIRLS WHO LOVE THEM! =)Trusting God Even When Life Hurtsby Jerry BridgesThis is a GREAT BOOK! I have read it before, and LOVE IT! We all need to be reminded of God's complete sovereignty from time to time, because in the words of R.E.M., "Everybody Hurts...Sometimes."The Spinal Cord Perceptionby Joshua S. Porter(aka Josh Dies of Showbread)I REALLY like his writing style! It's NOT for the faint of heart though! VERY Imaginative, that boy! He should have a new one coming out soon too.And I always love just about anything by:Elizabeth GeorgeKay ArthurBeth MooreDavid NasserOswald ChambersKaren KingsburyShaunti Feldhahn& Dr. Seuss (YES! I can't help it, I LOVED his books!)SMART PEOPLE READ! BE ONE!!!
Jesus Christ...The Greatest Supernatural Super Hero Of All Time...Past, Present, and Future!You should read His Book! It's FILLED with God's LOVE LETTERS to His kids, and it's better than ANY of my other favorites! READ IT! I DARE YOU!Oh, and my good friend, Peter is a real-life Superhero too! Betcha didn't know that, because he's so humble, he'd never tell ya, but he really is!!! =)And ALL of The Diehards are my heroes too! I wanna BE THEM when I grow up!My other heroes include the kids I know who overcome adversities in their lives and go on to help others. And the incredible musicians of today who give up their very lives to show these kids Truth and Hope...those who would rather hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant" someday, than the applause of the world's masses today!