Dancing, Health & Fitness, Weight lifting, Salsa Dancing & Make-Up, 80's movies, Ms. Pacman, a trendy restaurant, Ravinia, helping a good cause, cheering people up, making people laugh, prayin' for people, giving advise, traveling, a deep conversation, any adventure life brings my way!
God, Cher, Thalia, Shakira, Madonna, Kevin Aucoin, MaryLou Retton, Bon Jovi, Adam Sandler, Eva Longoria, Paris Hilton (4 the party!), Santana, Gypsie Kings, J Lo, SpongeBob...
Love it ALL!
Flash Dance, Point of No Return, Memoirs of a Geisha, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun......
I LOVE the "E" channel! I am not a slave to T.V. I will admit I started watching American Idol, but I'm not sure if I'm down with it. Paula is jacked!
Currently reading "V for Vendetta". The "Alchemist" is sitting nearby begging to be read. Need to read more-love the escape. I enjoy reading the newspaper and politics; also read a lot of spiritual, self-help & magazines. Does it help? It better.
God and my parents for sure