Hey I made the paper Check this out.http://www.northwestnavigator.com/index.php/navigator/ki tsap/more_nhb_staff_members_bound_for_kuwait/MIKE SAYS IT BEST ......"yeah man, real life sucks..i will never forget watching 8 straight episodes of friends and consuming 2 boxes of cereal and then running out of our room and doing backflips off the 3rd story of our apartment into the pool and then outrunning the janitor man and getting kicked out of every place we went on dirtbikes and getting chased by the cops as you barel roll on the dirtbike from rideing up the fence, while wereing sandles. I Cant stop laughing just thinking about it we had some good times, thouse were the days....
I love a lot of music but what ever makes me tap my foot works for me. I play the drums so I love a good beat...
JESUS he is the man.. The US military men and women that are over here fighting for are country, and the ones fighting to save them. The people I work with inspire me to be great, and never stop learning that saving a life is studying and hard work and an art. I want nothing more than to be the best at my art, so that every time some ones life is in my hands I know that with out a doubt there is nothing more I could have done.