It would probably be easier to say what I'm NOT interested in, but I shall do my best. Life!! Can't beat it. Even in the bad times its worth having. Absolutely grand isn't it. :-D Laughter. Its the best remedy for any ailment. Victor Hugo said "Laughter is the sun that drives the winter from the human face" and thats so, so true. Smiling. Similar reasons as the laughter one but add the fact that it gives one less wrinkles than frowns!
My general interests include (among other things) forensic science/psychology, paranormal, wicca, philosophy, astronomy, ancient history, writing, ecology, words, the Arts, mysteries.. oh yes.. mysteries, in whatever form they come. From whodunnits to the mysteries of the universe. If all that makes me sound boring to some, then I'm smiling because thats definitely one thing I'm not. :-D
I'd like to meet:
If we're talking about well known faces, it would have to be Elizabeth Taylor. We're both monkey/fires and I admire and respect her. I would also say Sully Erna and Keanu Reeves. I think theres more to both these men than meets the eye. I would also like to meet the Dalai Lama and an expert in Quantum Physics. Two extremes I know but thats me! I would have loved to have met Margaret Rutherford but sadly, she is no longer with us. Incredible actress. Someone once described her as having a face like a depressed bulldog. That description always makes me smile because, as much as I admire her, I have to admit that whoever said that was quite observant. :-)
'She seemed a thing that could not feel the touch of earthly years'.
Very varied.. depends on my mood. I've got 'St Elmos Fire' on my space because it's my favourite 'feel good' song of all time and no-one could sing it like John Parr. TEMPEREDCAST, Godsmack (even though they don't deserve it), (AMENDMENT to the last bit!! I attempted to add GODSMACK to my friends list again and this time was successful!! It only took 10 MONTHS GUYS!! I shall have to wait until the fact that I've finally succeeded in adding them sinks in before I change anything. I may NEVER change it but I'm content in the knowledge that they're there finally. lol) Enigma, Metallica, Disturbed, Black Sabbeth (particularly Headless Cross), Albatross, Clannad, Enya, Def Leppard (Der Lep!), Antonio Griggolo, Korn, Classical, Ballet, Country, Andrea Bocelli, Opera, Rock, genuine African Tribal music (drums), relaxation music (Sounds of Nature)etc. Basically, I have wide-ranging tastes. :-)
Sound of Music. (I can't help it!) :D Predator, the Prohesy films, Signs, LOTR, Entity, Ace Ventura, Matrix, Kiss the Girls, Seven, Sleepy Hollow, the Alien movies, Grudge etc etc. I absolutely love Margaret Rutherford so any films with her in, I'm addicted too - especially as Miss Marple. Sherlock Holmes, the old Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre etc etc. Once again, it all depends on the mood I'm in but I'm ALWAYS in the mood for a good 'spooky' movie, something that makes me hold my breath waiting for the next scary moment.
I dont really like television. Most of the time, if its on, its there as background noise but there are the odd things that I like (or HAVE) liked to watch such as Enterprise, Lost, the Stargates, CSI's, Cold Case, Forensic Detectives, Poirot, Miss Marple, Sherlock, Columbo. Preferred channels would be National Geographic, History, Discovery, Sky One (until Mr. Branson messed it up for us!) Grrrr
The Hobbit and LOTR, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail. To be perfectly honest, nowadays, I much prefer factual books, whether that be for reference or on a specific subject that I'm interested in. I like something I can go back to again and again.September Moon for my birthday month. My Birthday is Sept.3rd)
My Mum. My sons. Descartes. Wordsworth. The emergency services. Someone who can go through adversity and come out of it stronger, wiser and with their sense of humour intact. In the words of Bugs. "Thats all folks!"Dragons kiss.