SHiKiN profile picture


*p E a C e b A B e*

About Me

hUhU~besh woo saper knal aku... aku bdk sempoi suker makan sushi ... aku suker gaks maen kat playground... aku maleh study .. result pon dah bleh agak arr kann!! what eva aku suker music... semuer type lgpon kat skola aku amik music.. aku baru form4 taun nih taun dpn nk spm dah .. so aku hope dpt arr result baguih..aku suker chattin' ..kuar ngan member... maen kat playground tu dah mmg aku nyer habbit ar kann.... anyway..iT's mE

My Interests

music.. chattin'....shoppin'..... kuar ngan member.....bacer novel.. bacer komik...bacer quran.... berzkir... serter berselawat ke atas nabi...hUhU~

I'd like to meet:

sPecIaL 4 alLaku nk jumper ngan sumer org tak kisah arr sesaper jerk... aku neyh frenly orangyer hUhU~.. okies sesaper jer bleh add aku kat.. [email protected]


rock...pop..alternative...tradisional..hehehehe aku arr pemain gamelan skola!violin pon aku gaks...kompang jer aku tak maen~!


freaky friday..legally blonde.. never been kissed.. star wars.. lotr... harry potter...etc


WhOa~! i'D wOULD sAy tHAt tELeViSioN iS A fREn Of MiNE!! uHUkUhUKuHUk sO i LuRVe eVrYThiN 'bOuT iT!!


harry potter...novels... adopted series.. love stories..comics..buku teks..hUhU~


mUz B cApT jAcK sPaRrOW a.K.a. jOHnnY dEpP!! cUTe BaNGeT nIh~! du...du...du.... mA dAd mAA

My Blog


ZazuThe cute, English accent bird from "The Lion King." Ah, you are wise and clever and although sometimes you may be a dork, you are capable of being funny and overall, you are happy with the way thi...
Posted by SHiKiN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Oh, sweet sensibility.You're doing great! The retailers at your local shopping mall don't know you by name yet. You manage to keep those shopping urges at bay most of the time. You're good with money ...
Posted by SHiKiN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i aM BuBbLeS~

You are most like the sweet Bubbles!Find out which Powerpuff Girl are you!...
Posted by SHiKiN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


nUtHiN tO sAiD..JuZ gUd MoRnIn' eVRyOnE!!
Posted by SHiKiN on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST