Sociology,Anthropology and trying to either make convience store clerks laugh ...or creep them out if they are humorless wastes of my good breathin' air.I enjoy building plywood canoes in my kitchen and paddling them in any available stream or lake (really..I do that)
I would like to meet myself coming out of a time machine with cool antiques. I would take them from me and sell them to buy parts for this time machine I am thinking about building. If it works I would bring expensive artifacts from the past and then refuse to hand them over to myself to see what happens. Then I would put in a bag of corn chips and send them to the future and see if they get elected to office. That last part was silly wasn't it...of course they would get elected.
prefer music that has notes,rhythm,a bridge and lyrics of some sort or the other. More later when I decide about crunchy noises that cats make with plastic bags
movies are great for looking at over the shoulder of the girl you are making out with if they are funny. That way when you laugh she gets all insecure and mad and that keeps it interesting..especially when you explain that it was not really her..but that you were watchin' a movie over her shoulder and not paying attention to kissing her.(actually only made that mistake once)
televisions are best hollowed out and turned into fish tanks. At least then there is something worth watching.
curious george and the man in the yelow hat, The necronomicon,The big book of things I almost said once
Igor Sikorsky. first 19 attempts at a helicopter failed..but he finally got it, then had to teach himself to fly it because there was previously no such thing.