40th Birthday Party - Saturday, Sept. 8
Photo and special thank you to Katman!
It was my party... and, I suppose, I could cry if I want to.
But WHY would I?
With such an outpouring of LOVE from my friends and fans, old and young alike, I feel less like a 40-year-old building, but a landmark; perhaps a LIGHTHOUSE, guiding friends to the comfort of good food, served in a clean atmosphere, by a friendly staff.
Or an ancient pyramid, set amidst the modern urban sprawl of Arcadia, where, once you're inside, it's 1967 again, baby... GROOVY and FAR-OUT!
Summer Of Love or any old time you want it to be. It's your choice... Bean Cup or Jumbo Burrito. Some things never change.
On Saturday, my friends showed up in the THOUSANDS! Lines formed 'round the building all day long (!), live music was played, birthday cake was served, T-shirts in three different colors were sold, but most importantly, lots and lots (and LOTS) of food was served.
My owner, David Muniz, really pulled out all the stops. Arcadia and even State Of California dignitaries arrived before the grand opening for a ribbon cutting ceremony. Speeches were made and patriotic songs were sung by The Taco Lita Choir.
After the ribbon cutting, the crowd was allowed into the building to see the new plaque that David had installed proclaiming Taco Lita is now, and forever more dedicated to the memory of my founders, Dixie and George Muniz.
There wasn't a dry eye in the house.
I often get letters saying that I am not the only Taco Lita and that there were several before me, but David Muniz dropped this bombshell: I am the first Taco Lita to be built TO BE A TACO LITA. All others before me in the chain were converted from old Dairy Queens, A&W's or other burger joints.
I am the first. As it should be.
Thank you to all my friends who came to the party.
I feel... loved.
Coming soon to this page: photos, interviews and video (!) from the 40th Birthday party.
~ TL
Woooooo-Hah! It's a Flyin' Burrito Brother (On A Boat!)