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I am a Christian and a Homeschool mother of two boys. I am so proud to say that my mother also Homeschooled me! I am getting so excited about starting the new year! It’s this time of year when I'm full of new ideas and goals. I cannot wait as our family experiences new things, learn together and grow together. What could be better? I love seeing my boys grow so close together. God has truly blessed me. We have chosen to use the Charlotte Mason method in our school...along with our own eclectic mix.Charlotte Mason was a British educator who believed in "real" learning - from real books and real experiences. She believed children belong out in the real world, learning, seeking knowledge and finding it in unexpected places, rather than stuck at a desk all day. She believed that education was about more than training for a job, passing an exam, or getting into the right college. She said education was an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life; it was about finding out who we were and how we fit into the world of human beings and into the universe God created. I could not agree more.
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"The mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days; while she who lets their habits take care of themselves has a weary life of endless friction with the children ... The mother devotes herself to the formation of one habit at a time." --Charlotte Mason
By far the most valuable part of education is carried on in the family.— Charlotte Mason
Son of Hamas Leader Turns Back on Islam and Embraces Christianity
Son of Hamas Leader Turns Back on Islam and Embraces Christianity