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Teresa Lee

I am here for Friends

About Me

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I love to worship the Lord. I love my husband. I love my children and their spouses. I love my grandchildren. I love my family. I love my dear friends. I love pink. I love crying while watching a movie. I love cuddling up on the couch and reading a book. I love hearing the Lord's voice. I love laughing till your sides hurt. I love good humor. I love hearing from friends. I love being an Auntie. I love the Lord Jesus. I love being a Pastor's wife. I love black licorice. I love medium steak off a grill. I love tea. I love the memory of CCC Sunday night church long ago. I love the sound of my grandchildren's laughter. I love to write. I love to organize things. I love a clean kitchen. I love hearts. I love the Amish. The most important thing I will love is to know that each of my children, their spouses and our grandchildren love Jesus and walk with Him.

My Interests

Spending time with my grandchildren...I also like to write and love a good book! One of these days I am going to sit down and write my own book....

I'd like to meet:

Beth Moore, Colleen Cerak & Susie Van Ryn, Condi Rice, Caroline Kennedy, Simon Cowell, Reba and my Tommy Hanks!


I love worship songs....songs that have deep meaning and are a tool to usher us into the very presence of our living Lord...... and I like Reba with country western....there is just something about her....


I love a good movie...one that makes you cry and one that just makes your side hurt from laughing so hard.... Any Hallmark movie will do......Oh, and a good mystery and I love being completely shocked at the end!


2006 Season of Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel, with the Time Bandit and MIKE FOURTNER the star :}, 24, American Idol, Little House on the Prairie, Everybody Loves Raymond.


My favorite two books of the Bible, Exodus and Philippians. Any book by Beth Moore...she is the most practical, deep, scriptural based teacher I have ever heard. One minute she has you crying the next you are laughing so hard your sides hurt.... I also like a good autobiography or biography. I have a deep interest in the Amish culture and WWII Jews/Holocast.....


In life, MY HUSBAND... who stands up as a man of convictions, and makes me feel treasured.... In Biblical time....MOSES. How would you have liked to put up with over a million grumbling people?... Those who have gone before me in a "great cloud of witnesses" MY MOM, Marjorie Short Fitts Halpin who went to be with Jesus on November 27th, 1992....

My Blog

Amazing Grace

"Amazing grace, How can it be, That thou my God should die for me. My chains fell off, My heart is free, I rose went forth and followed thee."   This is my favorite hymn. I sing it from the very...
Posted by Teresa Lee on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 02:12:00 PST

2008 A Year of Discovery....

Dear Family & Friends,   I look at the calendar and how can it be March 2nd?  Didn’t we just celebrate Christmas? Time really does go by faster the older we get. Just a reminder to...
Posted by Teresa Lee on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 07:48:00 PST

My Mom-Marjorie

Tomorrow will mark the 15th Anniversary of my mom's accident that claimed her life.... It seems like yesterday and yet it seems like so long ago. Sometimes I find myself trying to remember what she lo...
Posted by Teresa Lee on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:38:00 PST

A Dry & Weary Land............

I stare at the calendar in front of me....It says today is September 23rd.... Where has these last few months gone? I have found myself in such a place of weariness these last months.... Through some ...
Posted by Teresa Lee on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 03:47:00 PST

They devoted themselves.....

I just finished listening again to a message from Acts 2:42.... The NIV begins it with "They devoted themselves"..... The new Christians when the church began took it upon themselves to be spiritually...
Posted by Teresa Lee on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 06:58:00 PST


I stare at my computer screen and I don't even know what to write, except that I want to write..... Life happens...it has extremes of highs and lows, laughter and tears...... This week my dear preciou...
Posted by Teresa Lee on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 10:24:00 PST

Tanner Michael

Being there, watching the birth of my new grandson.... all I can say is it is such a miracle. A new life.... fresh from heaven.... given to us. The smell of a newborn baby I wish I could keep forever....
Posted by Teresa Lee on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 09:38:00 PST

My Mom

My mother, Marjorie Halpin went to be with Jesus 14 years ago today. November 27th, 1992 will always be a day filled with emotions.... Seems just like yesterday, seems just like a hundred years ago......
Posted by Teresa Lee on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 11:11:00 PST

Character Building Moments

We all have them! How do we respond when we are in pain, hurt, someone is disloyal to us, treats us unfairly, misjudges, etc....."Life" happens to us everyday. It will be our choices we make during th...
Posted by Teresa Lee on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 05:47:00 PST

Taylor Jean

I was with my grandaughter the other day and when I asked her to do something she rolled her eyes. She was only 3 years old... I said, Taylor, did you just roll your eyes at Grandma? Without hesitatio...
Posted by Teresa Lee on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 09:37:00 PST