~terrie~85~ Lifeless & Broken in pieces~ profile picture

~terrie~85~ Lifeless & Broken in pieces~

About Me

Hello! My name is ~Terrie~ and I am a proud mother and wife. I do have an ED but let me tell you up front that does NOT make me a bad mother like some people think. I am actually a very good mother and my kids would tell you the same thing. One person who would NEVER turn their back on me is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have an awesome God and He is with me always and forever and loves me unconditionally!!! Anyone can think what they want of me as I know who I am and what kind of person I am and that is what matters. Having a Eating Disorder does not make me a bad mother, wife, daughter, or friend!!! I am still me~Terrie~
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!
A glimpse into my life
Random questions about me:
What do you prefer people to call you?: ~TERRIE~
What is your favourite colour?: ~pink~
What is you least favourite colour?: ~any bright colors~
How many siblings do you have?: 6 sisters and 2 brothers
Would you prefer wealth of fame?: wealth
If you could be in any movie, which movie and what role?: Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts
Do you believe in life after death?: nope
If you could wish for the extinction of any creature what would it be?: snakes
How would you prefer to die?: in my sleep
If you had a cult, what would it be called?: would never have one
If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?: proverty
What celebrity do you look like?: none
Is the cup half full or half empty?: sometimes both
Are you trustworthy?: very
Do you consider yourself smart?: kinda
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: to be real thin
Did you have a happy childhood?: mainly
Would you want to live forever?: no
What would you call your kids?: spoiled rotten
What instrument would you like to master?: piano
Tea of coffee?: coffee
White, milk or dark chocolate?: skim
Would you die to save a friend?: not sure
Are you materialistic?: nope
How would you spend a million dollars?: Build a new house , pay off bills and help my family out
If you had 5 minutes left to live, who would you call?: probably my Dad
What would you say?: I love You and I will be okay
Do you think you are popular?: nope
Do you think marriage is important?: I am married so yeah
Favourite fruit?: orange
Favourite vegetable?: cooked carrots
Favourite ice cream?: don't have one
What do you want for your birthday?: Really nothing
Do you feel loved?: most of the time
What is your love language (what makes you feel the most loved)?
Physical touch?: hugs
Gifts?: jewerly
Words of affirmation?: I love you
Acts of service?: Cleaning the house
Quality time?: Just talking
More random questions:
Are you addicted to anything?: Being skinny
Do you need a haircut?: probably
What bothers you?: people who want to have an ED
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My Interests

Doing things with my family, Going to church and getting involved in church activities, reading, and writing.

I'd like to meet:

My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, face to face but not until it is my time and I am old and can no longer care for myself!!! href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"
The Important Stuff
Age: thirty-five
Weight: 96
Heighest Weight: 167 when pregnant
Lowest Weight: 94
Current Weight: 96
Goal Weight : 89
Fave food : yogurt
Fave Drink : coffee/water
Fave Exercise : ab lounger
Thinspo : real people
Where do you slip up? I really don't!!!
When did it start? fifteen
Why did it start? Bet with friend
Does Anyone know? yes
Do you want help? kinda
Diet pills? yes
fave binge food: none
Fave dieting food: jello-cup
How many cals do you consume a day? 100 or less
What tips do you use to lose weight? rubber band!!!
What do you see when you look in the mirror? FAT
Are you in a relationship? yes...married
If so, Do they pressure you to be thin? no`actually just the opposite
Are you the fat or thin one out of your friends? to me the fat one but they would say otherwise
Are you depressed? sometimes
Do you self harm? sometimes
Ever tried to commit suicide? no but thought about it a lot
Ever been to a psychologist?? yes...am at the present time
Fave song? Jesus take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood



I am a Country Girl at heart 98.1 f.m., Christian, and romance.


Passion of the Christ...shows all He really went through for us and just felt very real.


American Idol,Big Brother,Surivor,48 Hours Mystery,Ghost Whisper, Too Close to Home, Dr. Phil and Oprah!


My Bible, The Driven Purpose Life, All Dr. Phil Books, and all of James Patterson books.


God,My family, Don for believing in me when I did not believe in myself, Tara for being my rock and guardian angel,Justin for just being ny son and being here for me, and anyone who is up lifting and does not judge others as that is Gods job only!!! target="_blank"

My Blog


Jackie and/or Tara when you get this call me, please.  I am not feeling well so I won't be on much today.  Sorry guys!  Actually hopefully I start to feel better.  I am going back ...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 05:46:00 PST


I am up already as I need to go take a bath and get myself ready as I have to go pay some bills, go to the store, and take my son for blood work.  I am so tired but I will have to get over it and...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:18:00 PST

My Life Now...

Cannot say it is much better but I did come home.  I love my family to much to break it up.  My husband and I are gonna talk later about everything.  Hopefully me leaving worked.  ...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 07:11:00 PST


Being a mother and one day the bus comes at 7 am the next 6:45 then 7:15 so my child missed the bus again today.  I have walking phneuomia and have to take him to school and in this cold and yuck...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 04:28:00 PST


I want to let you all know I may not be on as much but I am still thinking of you all daily.  I have struggled with this for so long and this anorexia is kicking my butt.  I cannot keep...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 07:56:00 PST


Remember if you want to be added to my perfered list for my blogs where I usually blog I need your e-mail address.  Mine is [email protected]...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:41:00 PST

People getting hurt....

I was and am not out to hurt any of you (you know who I am talking about and what I am talking about) but when my daughter is hurting I am gonna say something.  Step back guys and put yourselves ...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 04:32:00 PST

The Branches...

We had an awesome sermon at church today.  It was about how the Lord is the Vine, we are His branches, and how we are to prune and let new buds grow where needed.  In my life that to me is l...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 01:12:00 PST

Random Thinking....

This may take awhile to read so have a seat.  I just have some questions and comments on the subject of God and Ed'd, etc.  Everyone that has read my page should know I am a Christian (Nazar...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 05:15:00 PST

Just a question????

I was thinking about a question I asked earlier about if you believed in Heaven and Hell!  I said that I did.  That is what the Bible says and then you think why would some of us try to do r...
Posted by ~Terrie~ "Food"~I Think Not~ on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:43:00 PST