My Eton Road stocking!!! :D xxx..
~ G4 again! I have met them 3 times but it aint enough! ~ ~ Eton Road!!! I LOVE them ! anthony is such a darling! ~ ~ Rhianna - she is unique ~ ~ Shakira - she is a fabulous singer and she can dance ~ ~ Adam Brody - he is hot! ~ ~ 4Tune - They werent at the X Factor tour so i was really disappointed ~ ~ Rowetta - She is ceraaaaazy in a good way ~ ~ Triniti - They are lovely , wonderful voices and Im hooked to their album ~ ~ All My forum mates they are all so fabulous love every single one of you! ~
Mike Christie Singing His Own Song "Why Not Today" On G4s Farewell Tour![ G4 ] [ ETON ROAD ] [ MACDONALD BROTHERS ] [ Pacific Avenue ] [ Rhydian Roberts ] [ JP Mac ] [ Shayne Ward ][ Kelly Clarkson ] [ Paolo Nutini ] [ Celine Dion ] [ Take That ] [ Westlife ] [ Bon Jovi ] [ Avril Lavigne ] [ Elton John ] [ Rod Stewart ] [ Good Charlotte ] [ Lionel Richie ] [ The Killers ] [ Abba ] [Scissor Sisters ] [ Girls Aloud ] [ Queen ] [ Pussycat Dolls ] [ 4Tune ] [ Justin Timberlake ] [ Christina Aguleria ] .....
[ ROCKY!! ] [ BladesOfGlory ] [ PhantomOfTheOpera ] [ PiratesOfTheCarribean ] [ Spiderman ] [ CoyoteUgly ] [ TheMummy ] [ MickeyBlueEyes ] [ ShesTheMan ] [ WhiteChicks ] [ BruceAlmighty ] [ MissCongeniality ] [ JohnTuckerMustDie ] [ Jarhead ] [ TheExorcismOfEmilyRose ] [ Preminition ] [ Epic Movie ] [ Norbit ] [ DisneyFilms!] ...
[ Im not a TV kinda chick lol ] [ But I LOVE Fonejacker! ]
[ Elegance By Kathleen Tessaro ] [ G4s Autobiography ]
<[ CELEBRITIES >] [ The MacDonald Brothers ] [ G4 - Especially Mike!! ] [ Pacific Avenue ] [ Eton Road ] [ Rhydian ]<[ FRIENDS >] [ Lazzy! ] - [Shes the shizzlenss I love this girl! My wee G4 bud and shes my wee sister I always wanted! Love you hun mwah! ][ Kay! ] - [ Shes my Union Street busker! lol Love this quine teh bits! We are officially gigging buds! ][ Thee Mac Nutters 07!! ] - [ Love you lot to bits!! Bring on Thee Mac Nutters On Tour 08!! =D ]