VAPORS profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

I like to listen to music all freaking kind dude espeacially rock.And i love to freaking draw and write and stuff.


i like to listen to him,queen,def leppardm,led zepplin,pink floyd,korn,limp bizkit,blood hound gang,the doors,50 cent,eminem,and all rap and oldies are the best bitch.oh and alice cooper and black sabbath


i like all the old movies like the original the omen and shit like that.


i watch whatever the fuck is good on g money.


i cant read big wordded books like the dictionary.


jim morrison,alice coopper,daniel lioneyes linde,gas lipstic,burton,midge,ville valo,bam margera,the fucking list goes on and on and on and on and on......................................dude