Drinking, clubs, music general interests really.
Shane was caught having sex!
In the middle of the act, caught in the throes of passion at the racetrack ... you've been caught by your english teacher!
'Where Will You be Caught Having Sex?' at QuizUniverse.com
What Shane Means
S is for Sweet
H is for Hilarious
A is for Astounding
N is for Nutty
E is for Extraordinary
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Anything I can sing along to even if I cant sing, im the next Aussie Idol in my eyes.Dancing Shane
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I can sit through just about anything but have to be in the right mood to watch a movie my attention span is kinda slim.
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Unita Lay
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Ha Ha sad but true gota catch neighbours and home and away then just anything thats kinda funny .
What character from 'Will & Grace' are you?
You are Will!
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The newspaper on occasions but other then that my mind is blank to books they take too long to read i possibly could read a dr seuess book 20 pages yeh thats about my limit.
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Myself and superman!
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