jeff profile picture


bring on the cereal

About Me

I once dated "Poptarts". We were madly in Love. Like “love affair for the ages” love. Think Jack and Rose. Andie and Blaine. Llody Dobler and Dianne Court. That was us. But alas, it was not meant to be...and after a devastating falling out, we broke up. It was a hard thing to get over. I mean, how could it not be? We saw each other every day. But as time went somehow became easier. And eventually, I was able to finally go back to watching movies. To listening to music. To reading. To even finding new loves like Jujubees and exploring....But even though I’ve moved on, I still can’t help but look back on our love affair with fondness. Poptarts taught me everything I need to know in life...and like anything that cuts deep, they’ll be with me always.and alsoI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Walking contradictions. People. Movies. And the wheels on the bus that go ummm ROUND AND ROUND!

I'd like to meet:

The person who invented the Orange Julius. For years that has been my excuse for going to the mall, when in truth, I just go there because the KB Toys has a strange power over me. I mean, I never buy ANYTHING from them...I just go in and dork out. Which admittedly comes easy.Also, the world's longest slip and slide.Also Also, shit gets real at degrassi....And well, this speaks for itself. Probably the greatest TV anti scare film ever.


Weezer, Explosions In The Sky, Beach Boys, Troggs, Nada Surf, Nirvana, Cyann and Ben, M83, Simon and Garfunkel, Mamas and The Papas, John Vanderslice, Format, Broken Social Scene, Eminem, Biggie, Nas (sometimes), Lightning Bolt, Joanna Newsom, Vetiver, Mazzy Star, Fionna Apple, Decemberists, For Squirrels, Breeders, Ben Folds, Ben Kweller, Angelo Badalementi, Avril Laivigne (f.u.) Aimee Mann, Power Cords, Wrens, Tricky, Books, Ride, Psychadelic Furs, Martina Topley Bird, Mandy Moore (f.u. again), Enon, Camera Obscura, !!!, Curtis Mayfeild, Broken Social Scene, Jesus Lizard, Blood Brothers, Death From Above 1979, Ash, and ummm Weezer again.


Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, Angus, Sisters, Carrie, Apartment, Almost Famous, Fast Times, Neverending Story, 3 O Clock High, Lost Highway, High Fidelity, To Die For, Vertigo, Home Alone, Star Wars, In America, Say Anything, Breaking The Waves, Seconds, Titanic, Twin Peaks, May, Close Encounters, Jaws, Sugarland Express, Breakfast At Tiffanys, Last American Virgin, My Life Without Me, Can't Buy Me Love, Graduate, Summer of '42, Karate Kid, 21 Grams, Blue Velvet, Little Otik, Uncle Buck, Battle Royale, Gremlins, Pretty In Pink, Afterlife, Heavenly Creatures, About A Boy, Best Of Youth, Marnie, The Shining, Repulsion, Over The Edge, Running Scared, The Birds, American Graffiti, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, Tony Takitani, Time Out, Drop Dead Fred, Flowers In The Attic, The Wizard, The Gate, Satisfaction, Lucas, My Girl, Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane, Best Years Of Our Lives, Eyes Without A Face, Mystery Date, Funny Farm, Ice Princess, Great Outdoors, Jeremy, Hush Hush Sweet Charolotte, Last Starfighter, Moving Violations, Love Story, Rocketeer, Return To Horror High, Dirty Dancing, Teen Wolf, Ghost, Frankenstein, Invisible Man, I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, Avanti, Summer School, Class of 1984, License To Drive, Bridge To Terabithia, Millions, Roman Holiday, Oliver Twist, Lifeguard, Sommersault, Bad Timing, Gotcha, Sky High, Woman on the Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown, The Fly, Mean Creak, Time, Clerks 2, Guide To Recognizing Your Saints, Clueless, David and Lisa, Faces, Waynes World and on and on and on. Practically everything. Literally. Something to like or learn from in every movie.Also. This is pretty much one of the best movies ever. Totally unappreciated.also rad...


All Degrassi. All the time.


IT.Probably the best book about childhood ever written.


The nice guys who didn't finish last.

My Blog


for once i lose something other than my phone, which i've lost a total of 3 times. this time, it's my wallet. my stupid wallet. i mean, i've lost "stuff" from my wallet before. my drivers license, so...
Posted by jeff on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 02:40:00 PST

the not so magical ear drops

so i finally got around to re-buying ear drops after i (tragically) lost the ones i bought last week. it took me awhile cuz my ear felt better the next day, so i said "f it" and decided i could do wit...
Posted by jeff on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 01:44:00 PST


i am deeply ashamed of myself. an URBAN OUTFITTERS opened right next to me like 2 weeks ago and i've yet to venture inside it. and yes, i'm aware i'm writing a blog about a clothing store which pretty...
Posted by jeff on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:14:00 PST

holy shit

so i'm gonna be a whore and go off on a gay movie tangent here for a second. and for that i apologize. but holy shit....we won the GRAND JURY AWARD in LA last was rad. well maybe rad is the w...
Posted by jeff on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 02:39:00 PST

something new

...or rather a change from the normal. and before you start thinking that i'm going to talk about something meaningful or big...stop....cuz of course i'm not. what i am going to about is how instead o...
Posted by jeff on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:01:00 PST


oh, man.tonight is going to suck. i can feel the rambling/nervousness/my awfulness at public speaking taking over. this is going to be bad. maybe if i just focus on a happy place (i.e. a magical field...
Posted by jeff on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 04:38:00 PST

the rice krispie thief

so i've decided to make up my own survey thing. well, not really a survey, but a "a-z" quiz thing where i type the first "person/place/thing" that pops into my head. yes, i am *that* cool. really. doe...
Posted by jeff on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 01:29:00 PST


my room is being attacked by spiders. i've seen 3 in like the last ten minutes and i totally don't know what to do. that said, i'd write more, but i'm tired and have to be up in like 5 hours. it will ...
Posted by jeff on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 02:15:00 PST


how is july halfway over? craziness.
Posted by jeff on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 07:00:00 PST

i blame the bee.

...for making it be ten days between rambling nonsense. not that anyone was counting but still....i choose to blame the bee because it feels good to blame the bee. fuck that bee for stinging me. and u...
Posted by jeff on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 03:37:00 PST