Basketball, girls, Eating, shoes, Madden, Sleep, (this is just a random Order people)
The best gaurd in the NBA A.i, T.I lil wayne Because i love there talent and styles.
i love rap, but most of the time i prefer R&B cause it seem to always have some type of songs the involes whats going on in your life at a certain time.
Coming to America, 40 year old virgin, the wood, love and basketball, all of the fridays, Glory road, Hitch.
the simpson, American Idol, house, reality shows espescially the white ones because white people are funny ass hell and they have alot of drama not that i like drama thp
driven from with in, why the caged bird sings, monster
My mom Sandra denice Taylor, My Grandmother Willia Mae Taylor, Allen iverson, of course michael Jordan, Martin luther king, Russel Simmons, Micheal Jackson (the old one), The Hardest Rappers T.I and Lil wayne