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About Me

whats good fam, My name is Damein Lonay Taylor and i am 19 years old and i currently attened school at Mt Sac i am a very laid back down to earth person. In my free time i love to play basketball with my homeboys mike reed aka the living legend julis aka king jewels chuck aka c-fo, justin, chris and all the other montclair ballers i forgot to mention, i love basketball so much i even coach it.i am the oldest of 4 kids i have 2 brothers and 2 sister's Devyn, jalen, breonna, and jasmine but i rarley see them all except for mt bro devyn who im very proud of because he is a great ball player we like to call him hte futher because we see him doing big things in the sport. Other tahn that i feel i have been throught alot of downs in my life, My Dad Moving to out of the state. i made alot of bad choice throughtout highschool, I been in love got hurt but hopefully i find the one that could make me feel how i once felt or better Trust me im looking and i think i might have found somebody hopefully , AFTER ALL THAT I STILL MANAGE TO KEEP MY HEAD UP AND LIVE LIFE WELL SOMETIMES LOL, I REALLY SEE MYSELF AS BEING ONE OF THE COOLEST PEOPLE YOU WILL EVERY MEET I HAVE NO Enemies well that i know of. I feel that i am a good friend just dont get on my bad side although i may seems nice i could change real quick real talk all i ask is treat me the way i deserve and we are all good. if you care to know more just hit me up
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My Interests

Basketball, girls, Eating, shoes, Madden, Sleep, (this is just a random Order people)

I'd like to meet:

The best gaurd in the NBA A.i, T.I lil wayne Because i love there talent and styles.
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i love rap, but most of the time i prefer R&B cause it seem to always have some type of songs the involes whats going on in your life at a certain time.


Coming to America, 40 year old virgin, the wood, love and basketball, all of the fridays, Glory road, Hitch.


the simpson, American Idol, house, reality shows espescially the white ones because white people are funny ass hell and they have alot of drama not that i like drama thp


driven from with in, why the caged bird sings, monster


My mom Sandra denice Taylor, My Grandmother Willia Mae Taylor, Allen iverson, of course michael Jordan, Martin luther king, Russel Simmons, Micheal Jackson (the old one), The Hardest Rappers T.I and Lil wayne