Iago profile picture


I`m a poor, poor man.

About Me

"ex" design student trying to make a livin` for some time in the USA... Oh, and I`m capricorn, not aquarius!
Name: Iago
Birthdate: January 20th 1983
Birthplace: Recife - PE - Brazil
Current Location: Clearwater - FL - USA
Eye Color: dark brown
Piercings: none
Tatoos: none
Overused Phraze: "Se fosse o Ricky Martin de Shanghai..."
Food: Chinese, japanese
Candy: I dont eat candies very often... cinnamon tic tac
Number: those on my bank account
Color: blue
Animal: dogs
Drink: water
Bagel: I like them
Letter: I like them too, I used to write some
Body Part on Opposite sex: mouth
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: hate both
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Arby`s
Strawberry or Watermelon: what a gay question..
Hot tea or Ice tea: hot tea
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: both
Dog or Cat: dogs. cats are suckers
Rap or Punk: I don`t listen to
Summer or Winter: spring
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies
Love or Money: luv
Bedtime: as long as possible
Most Missed Memory: having ice cream when I was 5.
Best phyiscal feature: my butt
Favorite Eye Color: doesnt matter
Favorite Hair Color: dark hair
Short or Long: long, or not too short
Height: same as me or shorter
Style: casual
Looks or Personality: personality
Hot or Cute between the 2...cute
Drugs and Alcohol: heroin
Muscular or Really Skinny: fit... not fat, not too skinny
Number of Regrets in the Past: many
What country do you want to Visit: Japan
How do you want to Die: bleeding
Been to the Mall Lately: no
Do you like Thunderstorms: yeah, I like watching them
Get along with your Parents: sometimes, mostly with my mother
Health Freak: a bit maybe
Do you think your Attractive: it's not up to me saying that
Believe in Yourself: I do
Want to go to College: I was in Col. its sucks kids...rather go work!
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: sometimes
Shower Daily: twice
Been in Love: a few times
Do you Sing: all day!
Want to get Married: I do
Do you want Children: 2 at least
Have your future kids names planned out: no..
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: too late to ask that
Hate anyone: not really hate, but despise

My Interests

Music, guitars, books, drawing and any other kind of graphical arts, cinema.

I'd like to meet:

I`d like to shake Johnny Winter`s hand. Have some guitar classes with the guys from Janis Joplin ex-band Big Brother and Holding Co. Sam Andrew and James Gurley (it just came to my mind)


So many... specially blues and 60`s-70`s rock... Hendrix, Cream, Johnny Winter, Beatles, Stones, Burrito Brothers, Gram Parsons, Clapton, The Band, Bob Dylan, Rory Gallagher, Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett, Roy Buchanan, Led Zeppelin, Yardbirds, Humble Pie, Fleetwood Mac (Peter Green Era plz), CSN, Neil Young, Robin Trower, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Chet Atkins, Shakti, John Mayall, Free, Allman Bros Band, Skynyrd, Byrds, Janis Joplin...some jazz sometimes.


The Goonies, Blade Runner,A Clockwork Orange, Cidade de Deus (City of God). Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the first movie). The Graduate, Crumb (documentary about the artist Robert Crumb) Anything by Michael Moore, Alexander, The Song Remains The Same (Zeppelin movie), No Direction Home, last Bob Dylan double DVD documentary.


a lot of the comedy central stuff, specially Mind of Mencia. MMA stuff like Pride and UFC. History Channel documentaries...that show on the Travel Channel with Anthony Bourdain (I guess that`s the guy`s name! hehehe)


Knulp and Siddharta by Herman Hesse, The Runestaff by Michael Moorcock, Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, On The Road (Kerouac), Feliz Ano Velho (M. Rubens Paiva)


My Parents and my grandfather