I LOST MY MIND!!! {VIP BOYZ} profile picture



About Me

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Iight since im a real nigga I might as well keep it 100 with u... Im a lil nigga born and raised in the Murder Capital... Yeah dats right New Orleans. Nooo im not proud dat we rank #1 in murkin ppl but AYYYE shit happens. It is wat it is. But yeah as I was sayin Im a cool lil dude..As u can see very fly and down to earth... Have a few problems, but who doesnt?? Im one of the craziest, most funniest, Str8 forward niggas u could ever meet... Im also the son of Keith Nunnery so dat means I could get very naughty if u know wat I mean ... Theres a reason why they call me Mandingo...Track At Edna Karr 2007

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

NIGGA-PHI-NIGGA Always Gotta Stay Fresh My Uncle Holdin it Down 4 Tupac & Soulja SlimU KNOW VIP HAD TO HOLD IT DOWN FOR NIGGA-PHI-NIGGAAYYYYYEEEEGuess What We Thinkin About......Bet U He Thinkin Bout MoneyThis Is Just Da Beginning




Fav. Sexual Position? her riddin
Top or Bottom? top
Anal? If i could fit it in her
During 69, Top or Bottom? never tried
Foreplay or Straight to it? Foreplay
Either have sex,make love or fuck? make love
Do you have to have feelings for someone to have sex with them? Naaa Round
Sex is better while intoxicated? Maybe
Condom or no condom? Always stay straped
Blanket or no blanket? no blanket
Complete silence or slow jams? jams
Lights out or lights on? Whatever she wants
Does it matter if there are people in the room? Depends
Buttnaked or Partially*? All off
Slow or Fast? Rough and slow grind
Rough or Soft? Rough
Deep or Deeper? deeper
Deep Throat or No Throat? She better swollow
Kissing during sex? sometimes
Would you even if your lil brother or sister were in the room? maybe
Eat/eaten out or just starve? Eat
Moaner? Naaaa Round
Role Playing Games? Of Course
Toys? Fuck NOOO
Food? Whip Cream...haha
Do you be horny when you wake up? NOOO
Do you be horny when you go to sleep? Maybe maybe not
Are you addicted to sex? hate to say it but yeah
One place you want to do it? pool
A celebrity past or present you would love to do it to? Hollie of course
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny
Love or Money: money
Bedtime: whenever
Most Missed Memory:
Best physical feature: DICK
First Thought Waking Up: MONEY
Goal for this year: MAKE MY GIRL HAPPY
Best Friends: CJ,BEAZY, AND of course ANGEL
Weakness: MY HEART
Fears: Being alone mentally and emotionally
[Current clothing] always stay wit a LO..
[Current mood] IIGHT
Ever Drank: OF COURSE
Ever Smoked: OF COURSE
Pot: ?????? LOL
Ever been Drunk: cum on naaa
Ever been beaten up: u cant when them all... I was jumped
Ever beaten someone up: be serious look at me
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Angel
Ever Skinny Dipped: NOOOO
[Believe there is life on other planets?] maybe u never know
Remember your first love?] yeah
Favorite Eye Color: brown
Favorite Hair Color: black
Short or Long: short
Height: 4'11-5'5
Style: slim sexy or fine
Looks or Personality: cute and not too cocky
Hot or Cute hot
Drugs and Alcohol: nooo she gotta be my better half
Muscular or Really Skinny: niether
Number of Regrets in the Past: hundred's
What country do you want to Visit: Paris
How do you want to Die: sleep
Been to the Mall Lately: yeah lookin fa a Lo
Do you like Thunderstorms: Fuck no ever heard of Katrina
Get along with your Parents: Sometimes
Health Freak: i guess
Do you think your Attractive: Thats wat they say
Believe in Yourself: Of course
Want to go to College: in college.. Tryin to stay in though
Do you Smoke: Quit
Do you Drink: yes
Shower Daily: wat u think
Been in Love: Yeah
Do you Sing: Try
Want to get Married: Yeah
Do you want Children: Yeah
Have your future kids names planned out: One
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: To late fa dat potna
Hate anyone: NO