Well..I would say in no particular order: Smoking; all varieties-heavily. XBOX 360, PC, trying to write a few books, music, photography(I have a large collection of my previous work, mostly outdoor scenes and bands)
Best thing has to be chillin with your feet up having a smoke with cup of tea in one hand and pink wafer in the other! WINNER!
I believe that if you have a view, you should speak it, dsnt matter if its right or wrong, its your view, so believe in it!
Brody Dalle, Michelle Rodriguez, Angelina Jolie, Rodney Mullen, Corey Nastrazio, Steve Peat (again), Dan Abnett, hmm could be at this a while me thinks.
In Flames, Black Dalih Murder, Waking the Cadaver, Sawtooth Grin ,As I Lay Dying, Walls of Jericho, Hatebreed, 100 Demons, Terror, Unearth, Crowbar, Down, Pantera, Superjoint Ritual, Nora, Eyehategod, Kyuss. Last but not least, Beastie Boys, Cypress Hill. Job for a Cowboy and Centurian, BMTH, Waking the Cadaver loads of random Hardcore bands with names that aint worth me typing!
The list goes on, but mostly Sludge, Hardcore, Stoner, Metal.
I will prob remember loads of amazing bands, but im lazy so they will stay in my head!
All of the 'Aliens' films, Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, Kids, Girl Fight, Band of Brothers, Goodfellas, memory blank............... -http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xi6uj_xfiles-4-conduit
Home Improvement! My name is Earl! Antiques Roadshow! Last of the Summer Wine!! BBC News 24!! Starship Troopers cartoon! erm i dunno who carez
Douglas Adamson's Hitchhikers Series, most of Dan Abnett's work.
Mostly Science Fiction, but also quite a lot of history books aswell. So exciting!
My ass hole, can you think of a worse job?