I'll open my head and let out all of my time profile picture

I'll open my head and let out all of my time

There ain't no magic in the breakdown baby

About Me

What in the hell is a girl with hips like yours doing selling death?
A weak mind isn't strong enough to hurt itself. Stupidity has saved many a man from going mad.
I’m Blonde Claire, or Blondcleau if you prefer. It’s French
At the end of the day it's all swings and round-a-bouts to me. I'm all about the pseudo-intellectualisim, faux philosophies and trivial pursuits. I like board games, fairy tales, the smell of books and the crackle of vinyl. I cackle when I laugh, have a grin like the cheshire cat and have a head which is filled with rhymes from the playground. I spend my days/nights/general life working, dancing about in my pants or cooking. I love my flat despite the fact the kitchen is a death trap and I live across the road from mad occultists. I really want a type writer and an organ, but i prefer pen and paper to any other medium. I think spending £3.99 on cherries in Mark And Spencers is acceptable and wonder why I'm always broke. I like animals more than children-especially Cat Zappa.
I sell tequila and comics. Life's quite good sometimes.
I have no control of money, I leave everything to the last minute and am honest to the point of being completely tactless.
“Life is pain; anyone who tells you any different is selling something.”

My Interests

Doctor Who/Quantum Mechanics/My extra special boys/My extra special girls/TANK GIRL/Red Dwarf/Chipped Nail Polish/The Sandman/Euphimisims/dark tea/snowboarding/warm weather/good manners/cheap wine/sounding husky and tortured/having a total mince immune system/sparklers/pints of kronenburg/the french/not being able to control money/fairy tales/spawn/comic books/forbidden planet/cigerette extenders/posh gloves/vitimains/tacky holiday gifts/surrealisim/the guardian online/holy moly/britney spears/salt and vinager crisps/peeling sun burn/Kurt Vonnegut/picking off nail polish/home made soup/typewriter/late night drunken texts/really good high fives/nice n sleazys/fabric paint/urban decay/notes on napkins/blowing bubbles in milk/satire/being a complete cynic/being a hopless romantic/paradoxes/tongue twisters/hollyoaks/tesco online/a really good internet connection/conjoined twins/bizarre magazine/tinned fruit/shit video games/guitar hero/alice in wonderland/the circus/sailor moon/making mixed cds/russian literature/the smell of nail polish/arguments/determinisim/ribena/lots and lots of oscar wilde/lois and clark/laughing till my face hurts/uncyclopedia/amazon/etsy/the arches/free subways/really nice underwear/dancing in aforementioned to tilly and the wall/STORAGE/jerome russel bleach/death disco/apple baron/a fine merlot/bloc

I'd like to meet:

"IMO, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. good mood, bad mood.. ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. that's the kinda person that's worth sticking with."


I wouldn't be able to breathe without the following:
Tom Waits, Tricky, Portishead,Massive Attack,Peaches, Seasick Steve, Afrika Bambaataa, Buck 65, CR Avery, NOFX, Rancid, N.E.R.D, The Cramps, Sage Francis, Biff Naked, Tilly and the Wall, Townes Van Zandt, Tegan and Sara, Captain Beefheart, Prince, Incubus, The Offspring, Skip James, The Faint, The Teenagers, Ben Folds, Ben Folds Five, Dillinger Escape Plan, Pendulum, Fine Young Cannibals, Bowie, Beck, Alkaline Trio, Regina Spektor, Alexisonfire, The Distillers, Kid Koala, Dj Shadow, Placebo, Radiohead, SMD, Justice, Miss Kitten & the Hacker, 2 Many Djs, The Prodigy, The Bled, Wanda Jackson, Gym Class Heros, Hercules and love affair, jon cleary and the absaloute monster gentlemen, le tigre, bikini kill, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Sonics, Aphex Twin, Tsunami Bomb, Jacques Brel, Sidney Bechet, Artie Shaw, Bjork, Kylie, Skindred, Django Rienhart, Billie Holiday

I could listen to Rezso Seress' Gloomy Sunday till the end of time.



The Princess Bride. A Matter of Life or Death.Wristcutters: A love Story. From Dusk Till Dawn. Oldboy. V for Vendetta. Sympathy for Lady Vengance. Mean Girls. Battle Royale. Hercules. Aladdin. Back to the future. Waynes World. Howls Moving Castle. Devils Rejects. House of 1000 Corpses. Last House on The Left. Clockwork Orange. Dr Stangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. pans labyrinth.


uh...i think I'm addicted.

Time Trumpet, Spaced, Americas Next Top Model,American Dad,Family Guy,South Park, Brasseye,The Day Today,Red Dwarf, Charlie Brookers Screenwipe, Miami Ink, Black Books, The Green Wing,Peep Show,Doctor Who, QI, Quantum Leap, Stargate SG1, Ironside,Blackadder,Tales from the Crypt, House


Anything by Kurt Vonnegut Jr
The Harry Potter Books
The Princess Bride
The bus driver who wanted to be god.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Fair many more. I'll get back to you....comic wise- fables,sandman,house of mystery,jack of fables, 100 bullets, the boys, wild cards, no hero, y the last man, powers-anything with bendis, oemig, willingham, magnola, morrison,enis....ya know the deal =]


The ocean doesn't want me today
But I'll be back tomorrow to play
And the strangles will take me
Down deep in their brine
The mischievous braingels
Down into the endless blue wine
I'll open my head and let out
All of my time
I'd love to go drowning
And to stay and to stay
But the ocean doesn't want me today
I'll go in up to here
It can't possibly hurt
All they will find is my beer
And my shirt
A rip tide is raging
And the life guard is away
But the ocean doesn't want me today
The ocean doesn't want me today

Also Craig James Hogg & Stephen Robert Toner. Betterthan blood.

My Blog

this is your brain in love

fuck cocaine. bring on the dopamine and norepinethrine [prononed nawr-ep-an-eff-ren]LIFTED from geekfriendly.comhttp://www.wnyc.org/shows/radiolab/episodes/ 2007/08/28link to the radio showits brillian...
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 12:57:00 PST

o doctor cox you’re so insightful

Relationships don't work the way they do on television and in the movies: Will they, won't they, and then they finally do and they're happy forever -- gimme a break. Nine out of ten of them ...
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 09:20:00 PST

aiming for this colour

blondie goes ginger?this is the plan
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:28:00 PST

im in love with her

Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 11:24:00 PST

things that claire is enjoying at the moment

the trailer for saw V man. seriously anyone who knows me knows how much i love the saw films, and eeek its the conclusion. there is no way this isn't going to be good. eh halloween...saw v....
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 04:51:00 PST

"wretched stars..insatiable heaven"

steven campbell is fucking amazingdo yourself a favour and head up to the art school. going down to the printworks later to go see the rest of his stuff. im a little bit in lust with his work at the m...
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 07:55:00 PST

i’ll let out all my time

I think Glasgow is killing me. Or at least time. I really thought this would have been the great escape, a way to get away from the monotomy of Edinburgh and the small-town thinking of West Lothian. B...
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 05:31:00 PST

tom waits action figure

The ocean doesn't want me today But I'll be back tomorrow to play And the strangles will take me Down deep in their brine The mischievous braingels Down into the endless blue wine I'll open my head an...
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 03:42:00 PST


"Put Smarties tubes on cats legs, make them walk like a robot"   ah jimmy carr   i kidnapped a cat last night
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 02:05:00 PST

virgo woman-ahahah o dear

Organised aye? Tinkling bells of laughter? Smells like bullshit to me.********************One thing you need to know about a Virgo woman - she has guts and lots of them! It doesn't mean that s...
Posted by I'll open my head and let out all of my time on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 05:19:00 PST