Martín profile picture


I found in my Lunacy new ways to live my life!

About Me

My Interests

Living Life to the Fullest! with some cools snickers , a great pair of shades and a blue 1979 MGB

I'd like to meet:

Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Hesse, Horacio Quiroga, Napoleon, Pablo Neruda, Dylan Thomas, Lord Byron, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, The Sandman, Death, The Devil, Hendrix, Morrison, Syd Barret, Ron Fricke, Daniel Day Lewis, Bielensky, Sabato, Borjes, Julio Cortazar, Buddha, and El Greco.


Many.... but a few of my favorites: Satriani, Vai, Masley, Piazzolla, Davis, Coltrane, Cerati, Zuccarelli, Zappa, Queen, Sam Liu, Manring, Weather Report, ufff a lot more....


"Art Officially Favored" first teaser of upcomig doc about the greatest muscian among us! on Vimeo


Herman Hesse "Demian", Dante's " la Divina Comedia", Horacio Quiroga " Cuentos de Amor, Locura Y Muerte", and many others.


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New Pics

Hello EveryoneSo yesterday, after a huge storm, here in the SF bay Area, the Sun showed up, I ask my friend James Jordan to come and takes some pics for my press kit.It was one of the most fun shoots...
Posted by Martín on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:25:00 PST