People used to ask, "Let me get this right, Moony. You work mostly and night? And you dress all in white?"
They thought that was a riot, and I used to tell them, "I don't wear the white to hide myself. I wear it so they'll see me comming.
So they'll know who it is. 'Cause once they see the white it doesn't matter how good a target I am.
Their hands shake so bad they couldn't hit the moon."
Hand-to-hand combat is my biggest interest. Challange me if you think you can take me on. But I warn you, I'll not hold back, and you will probably be killed.
Storm clouds bleed from the heart of the night. Sharp winds rip through the Manhattan maze of concrete, steel and glass.
Down below glittery highrollers slide up in their sleek black limousines. Upabove, sheathed in jet and silver, and urban warrior rises from his crouch.
His name is Moon Knight, and he too shall soon pierce the secret pocket of sin within the town's unassuming walls.
There is blood.
Blood pumping in the heart, veins, and flesh,
Hot blood, pumping red, giving life.
There is blood.
Blood in the cities, streets and allys,
Cold blood, draining crimson, leaving death.
One man calls it murder,
Another calls it 'A Harvest of Rememberance'.
I don't watch movies. I don't have time.
The Basics
Universe Marvel
Real Name Marc Spector
Aliases Grant and Lockley
Identity Moon Knight
Occupation I used to be a mercenary - Now I'm a Super Hero
Citizenship U.S.A.
Place of Birth New York
Known Relatives None but my wife
Group Affiliation West Coast Avengers
Education U.S. Marine & C.I.A. operative
Physical Attributes
Height 6'1
Weight 210
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Red/Brown
The books I read aren't of the English language.
I'm my own Hero. Though I'll admit, I look up to Batman in many ways. May Khonshu watch over him. I also admire The Punisher and Spiderman, we've worked together on many occasions.I've fought with and against many superheroes in my time. Some of them are as follows:
The Punisher
The Black Cat
Ghost Rider
The Hobgoblin
The Black Panther
Dr. Doom
The Thing