The name is Randy and when I'm through you'll never forget it. Whether I'm linking turns off-piste, hurling corpse in the park, throwing up a sunrise salutation to Apollo, or hanging out with snow bunnies apres ski; I live to get radical. I'm a wild child born from the never replicated, neon colored, primordial ooze of 1981. In my opinion the only real truth can be found by stoking the limits of your physical and mental capabilities. I am a student and caretaker of the world but I like to call Stratton Mountain my home.
Stratton is the your place for fun this summer! Buy your Green Card today and get a free round of golf!Feel like spending more time on the course? Think about our Golf Value Pass , and hit the course any day midweek and after noon on Sunday.Does your swing need a tune-up? Try one of our Golf University Core Programs . Spend the day with one of our pros fine-tuning, and then try out your new knowledge on the course!There are plenty of events and activities happening at and around Stratton this summer, check them out!
Check out Stratton Parks Crew on Myspace, they're in our top friends.
Peace and Love,
Randy...The new Sheriff in town!
.::Youtube Video::.
Check out some Stratton videos at STRATTON'S YOUTUBE PAGE !