Katherine Alice Hills
Born on August 9th 1988, in a hospital of course. But the hospital was based in a smalltown in Canada. I was born a week early which of course I had some problems for a moment. No biggy, Im alive, so keep going through my life. Lets fast forward till i was about 6, there went alot fo things happen. Specially my first on stage singing/play. It was around christmas, and also I was stuck with the illness Pneumonia, but Istill played a clam. Dont ask, I wanted to be a Starfish but I was stuck being a clam. I survived that illness, and that christmas, I think "Santa" was special to me, cause out of everything, got alot of presents and you know, how little kids loves presents. I was one of them. I was raised in a musical/computer family. My father is a computer engineer, so I know alot about computers, at least inside, not the skeleton parts, and my mother is a music teacher an actress, and now she is a librarian at a village high school library. My parents divorced when I went to high school, which didn't help me lots, since then, I've been mostly lazy, skipping my classes with my friends, sometimes not. Another thing why I fail alot of my classes, but my fault right?
Lets back track abit again, to when I was about 9. That Christmas, I had alot of good christmass.Well at 9, before christmas, we lost our cat, who I ever had first, but not as my own of course just the whole family, but he had been around before I was born Well, christmas, my mother and grandmother on my mother side, searched all over pet stores to find kittens. Well, one pet store called up saying they got kittens in, and we rushed down, finding two kittens left. One was an actual look alike to my old cat and the other is the one I picked. The black and white, with a little black diamond under his nose. I named him Sassy, yeah I know he's a guy, the name is for a girl, but what can I say. I was 9! The next month after that, an ice storm happened in our town and it was interesting. Specially since it was the cure to my night light while I sleep stage. I know I was 9 but just think about it, pitch dark, is so not easy for me. Another thing about me is I can get paranoid. Over nothing. I hate it, but its the way I am I guess. Back then, I say my friends were the twins Laura and Liz, and Dayna, who I might say is a real bitch now, you see her as a slut in the school. She was supposly a accident prone, which makes me laugh to think about it.
When I got to the puberty age, 12. I am a late bloomer, so it wasn't really my puberty age. Just the natural girl stuff. Well at 12, I went to Florida for the first time, well first time when I was a baby, but first time I rememeber anyhow. So, me and my family, went down to Florida, we went all over the state, from Orlando, where of course we went to Disney World and Universal Studios, from Orlando to Tampa, which I believe is at the end of the state. I remember in Tampa, my family and I played mini put, where my dad one but I was having fun I didn't care who one. On the beach of Tampa, I also made a sand castle, but I signatured it with my name and Canada on it. I don't know if its still up today, but I doubt it. At disney world, I was a fan of the characters and I thought itbe fun to do getting autographs, cause IM cute that way. Also I was a shy one, so I was kinda shy with the getting auto graphs but two funny characterrs at Disney World, in the Magical Kingdom area. Chip and Dale costume kids were being silly, and not just gave me a autograph but a flower from the garden. Bad and Good Chipmunks I say. To this day I still have the memory and autograph, but not the flower, since they died.