Ikeen profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm the definiton of small, petite, pendek or even hobbits.. whatever.. u name it.. i'm used to it. But nope, i'm not the type of person u can look down at.. seriously!! I can consider my life as lucky. I always have mesmerizing ppl around me (and 3)to help me get thru days. When life tak best gile n i feel like lompat frm Murni punye tgkt 1(if tinggi sgt, luka plak). N when life sgt best that it makes me lompat2 like org gile.. I always have them to share. N most of all.. When learning hiragana seems like the hardest handwriting in d world, they always there. (Ii sensei no arigatou, mimi chan!) I live a complicated ironic life just like everybode else, but starting to love the little surprises that come along the way!! 3

My Interests

Purple and of course current obsession towards Japanese language n Hiragana, cant get enough!

I'd like to meet:

My darling Teja so much! And dearest Paralympics Japan Swimming Team.. Hontouni aitakute! Also.. FESPIC KL '06 Paralympics esp in Concorde and Aquatic! Love!


Greenday!! The Strokes!!!!!! Orson. The Cranberries. Justin Timberlake. Evert! (Mestila!


Cinta, PGL, TROY, A Walk To Remember, Click..


Desperate Housewives, Prison Break, Csi, F.R.I.E.N.D.S


Sweet Valley High Senior Year! Blair Witch.. Anything by Dan Brown


Guardian Angels that always there when i needed most.. (u know who u r!!) Love!!

My Blog

When u realized u x understand what i say is when u understand me the most!

There are many things i'm not good at. But the one thing that i'm worst at is to tell stories.. esp funny stories, i love talking.. but i'm just not good at it. Not many ppl realized it. N i didnt rea...
Posted by Ikeen on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 08:26:00 PST

Why would we need a guy?

The problem with us, girls is that guys always look down on us. Look at me... i'm just the size of a thirteen years old girl , i go anywhere with my guy and most people thinks that my whole life depen...
Posted by Ikeen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST