music | films | art+design | books | lomo | photography | snickers |
my better half...
stuff by hujan | meet uncle hussain | cloudburst | kerispatih | kings of leon | the academy is | bloc party | drive | the feeling | holiday for strings | architecture in helsiki | arctic monkey
hrm..nuthin latest
kami on youtube at the moment!!a blast;p
kLue | a+d | flaunt | frame | skew me,you rebel meh!! | ish | cubes | am | aA | design related books | fiction | history | tales from the past...heck, i dig em all as long as they're sensible, intriguing, wicked...u noe,all those a book shuld hav bside d fact of bein lucrative....fuck em,money-freaks!!!
prophet muhammad | my parents | maself |ma best pals | close associates...basically, people who fill in d blanks of my life are the heroes i look upon, for they stand by me when others don't...