I love a lot. I love Casey. She's great. Beautiful, smart , strong...makes you wonder how she ended up with a guy like me! We met dancing and we'll probably dance to the end of our days. :)
She's not all I love though: I love music, I love swing dancing and dancing in general, I love the Opera (no kidding), I love philosophy, I love reading, I love boxing (but haven't done it in a while), I love traveling, I love Symphonies, I love good talks over coffee, I love dining and eating in general, I love working out, I love my friends and hanging out with them, I love business, I love wine, I love plays, I love good movies, I love learning.
I'm not afraid to break the norm. I question everything I can in order to understand it. I probably have some authority issues but not really in a rebellious sort of way. It's not as though I'm intentionally rebelling, I just do what I think is right, and if someone disagrees, that's unfortunate. I'll listen, but I'm not going to change unless there's a good reason.
I love to learn and so I love to debate. But not in an antagonistic sort of way. My ultimate goal is to learn, not prove myself right. Really, I hold my ideas loosely, always ready for revision. I guess I expect others to be the same but truthfully, most people are not; so when I find someone truly searching after truth I cherish conversation with them.
Swing Dancing
Swing Dancing is one of my favorite passions...or rather, what I affectionatly call "addiction". There is very little that can keep me from the dance floor. :)