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Doyle Movie Madness
Picture it, 1996, a couple of geeky kids from South Jersey decide to dress up for The Crow 2; a legend is born. A few years later Jay Ring calls the Doyle house to ask if everyone is going to dress up to see Star Wars: Phantom Menace. Sure, why not. Since then the Doyle Family have been sponsoring dress up nights for comic book related movies as well as others. Each year the costumes become more elaborate and the participants greater in number. We have had 13 events, have been on Chanel 6 Action News, on T.V. 40 two times, and have appeared in Wizard Magazine and twice in the Atlantic City Press. Thus far we have dressed up for: The Crow 2, Star Wars, Star Wars Mall Contest, X-Men, Final Fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons, Spider-Man, DareDevil, Sin City, Batman Begins, Superman Returns, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and for Superhero Day at the Surf stadium in Atlantic City. This year we held our first ever awards night honoring the 100+ people who have participated over the years. Please enjoy the following slideshows and stay tuned for upcomming events.
O'Doyle Rules!!
Atlantic City Press Article
When crowds flocked to the Regal movie theaters in Hamilton Township on Wednesday night to catch the opening-night of the new Superman movie, some may have been torn between watching the superheroes on the screen or those right beside them. A group of avid superhero fans participated in what was unofficially dubbed Doyle Movie Madness, named after Sean Doyle, 24, of Galloway Township, who started a ritual of attending new superhero films dressed in related costumes 10 years ago. I loved Halloween as a kid because I got to dress up, and this is a way to relive that. And you also get to see all of your friends, said Melissa Berchtold, dressed as Wonder Woman, who was accompanied by 45 or so people in superhero costumes. The tradition began a decade ago when a small group attended the premiere of The Crow: City of Angels dressed as crows. Berchtold said the ritual caught on and the group gradually grew as the years passed. With the new participants, come new and different costumes. Some of (the costumes) are phenomenal and other ones are just embarrassing, said Doyle, dressed as one of the Wonder Twins, who invited all the participants to gather at his home before heading to the movie theater. Kris Randazzo, another longtime participant, said some members buy costumes on the Internet for hundreds of dollars. Berchtold remembers the bizarre looks the small group received when they first started the tradition but doesn't worry about those looks anymore. With such a large group of people, they are just in awe, she said. Michael Clark

D.M.M. would like to Congratulate Willy Hamilton.
His breathtaking Lex Luther costume, which was home made by himself and Rich Linder, was the winner of the Regal Cinemas SuperHero Costume Contest. We are extremely grateful for the amount of hard work they obviously put into this costume. That level of dedication is truly inspiring and we thank you.

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Simonus Prime aka Rovakka

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