Animal Wonka profile picture

Animal Wonka

Here come the animals

About Me

Animal Wonka's sound is tight and jagged, and came to life through the musical excesses of lead-singer and guitarist Frederik Bisschop (aka Typee).
At the beginning of 2006 he forms a band with a female rhythm section, Petra Steenput (bass guitar) and Maya Wuytens (drums). This trio can rock your socks off, but they are also capable of bringing very moving songs. Since the release of their demotape on myspace, they've received nothing but positive responses.
In the national NoiseGate demo contest in 2005, three musically experienced judges Kloot Per W, Erik Van Biesen and Thomas Vanelslander described Typee's music as: "An acoustic Nirvana, an extravert Sparklehorse, the Flemish Ryan Adams ... accompanying himself with only a guitar, Typee succeeds in creating a uniqueness which is on the one hand mysterious, on the other hand frightening. His straightforwarded attitude makes it complete."- and unanimously picked him as the winner. This was a superb achievement because the other contestants like General Mindy, The She (Daenjellson), Sentry Box and Koala are also really good bands.
For the workshop "song arrangement" at "Muzikantendag 2006", Animal Wonka shared Ancienne Belgique's largest stage with Belgian "cult" band Metal Molly. The trio confirmed that it was a real pleasant collaboration, but it was too short.
Frederik's voice seems to fascinate. Gerrit Kerremans also confirms that Animal Demo is a strong CD with good songs on it.
The demo team of Kinky Star (Ghent) reviewed 'Animal Demo' as: " 6 songs ready to be heard on the radio - on the one hand hard&heavy, on the other hand very touching we love to hear more of them soon! An excellent songwriter with an excellent band backing him up."
The animals are loose...
Volgende maand staan uw Animals op Concours Akoestiek. Voor meer info hierover, klik hier .
Helaas vielen de Animals buiten de prijzen op Groot Lawijt. We konden met ons 3tjes niet op tegen de 9koppige ambiance clash van Sopha. Maar toch weer mensen weten te overtuigen van onze muziek en verschillende mooie reacties gekregen. Jullie blij, wij blij :)
Naar aanleiding van ons concert in het KK deze avond, kreeg Frederik een telefoontje van FMBrussel, tijdens het programma Expo.
Later die avond zaten Petra en Frederik bij Tom Van Gijsegem van Tabasco Green in de XLair radiostudio's.
Om vervolgens het KK even wakker te rocken.
Animal Wonka passeert vanavond om 20u. de revue op Tabasco Red op XLair internetradio.
Gemist? Klikken naar
Animal Wonka is selected for PuntPop. To actually play there, we need YOUR vote on the PuntPop site . Do it before 28 feb. THANK YOU!
Frederik zit in de Podcast van ClubCircuit . Met interview en "Chemicals" live in de studio. Downloadeuh!
Je krijgt er een handige concertkalender bovenop.
Check the footage of our last concert!! Click HERE
De Animals zijn het jaar goed begonnen. Gisteren haalde we bij "5x1030 On stage" in Novanois de eerste plaats in de pre-selectie. Dat betekent gratis repeteren in 1 van de klasse repetitieruimtes (we worden verwend) en meedoen aan de finale op 31 maart natuurlijk.
En er is meer! Want we zijn ook geselecteerd voor Groot Lawijt, de rockrally die de opener van het sympathieke festival Linkerwoofer kiest. Kom ons zeker steunen op 16 februari in Antwerpen!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/3/2006
Band Members: Frederik
vocals & guitar



Band turtle
brings good recording vibes

My Blog

23.12.2006 - Live Music Contest

Some picturez. The strings soundchecking... And then we start the show ...
Posted by Animal Wonka on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 06:24:00 PST


Saterday, 25 November 2006 we are expected at 10:30 -sooooo not rock 'n roll!!!- to get the drums ready and the do the soundcheck.Drums on an empty stage in front of an empty space. Frederik and Petr...
Posted by Animal Wonka on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:49:00 PST

26.10.2006 - Acoustic set @ Da Club. Tze Picturezzzz

Hereby some pictures of our very first acoustic gig.     ...
Posted by Animal Wonka on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:19:00 PST

It's a DEMO!!!

Yes beloved brothers and sisters. Sunday the 13th our little Animal Demo came to life and we are so happy about it. After a tough selection of songs we would play and songs we wouldnt -probably the ha...
Posted by Animal Wonka on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:50:00 PST

A little story about a Wonka Animal.

We just finalised our demo, so we got out of the studio to get some fresh air and be happy about ourselves. But suddenly Petra saw something moving on the road. Its a bird, said Andres. No! Its a turt...
Posted by Animal Wonka on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 02:16:00 PST