No name, No slogan profile picture

No name, No slogan

There is no such thing as good and evil, only consequences.

About Me

Myspace Backgrounds
I am sentient, but wonder at what cost. I live on a planet covered in concrete and steel, powered by money endorsed by God. Alive to the universe; dead to the world. When given the freedom to destroy ourselves, we usually do. ! .. -----------------------------------------------------------

My Interests

Video Games, I'm pretty one dimensional right now. Shadowrun, Halo 3, Star Wars: Forces of Corruption, Mass Effect, GTA4 COD4, etc. I take some time out to skate, water ski, snowboard, etc when the weather is right, but I'm still a nerd.

I'd like to meet:

my maker, I bet he's creepy. ___________________________________________________________S KINNY PUPPY DEEP DOWN TRAUMA HOUNDS


Skinny Puppy, Hanzel und Gretyl, Gracious Shades, Babyland, Snog, Yeht Mae, Wumpscut, X marks the Pedwalk, Christ Analogue, Meg Lee Chin, 16 Volt, Terminal Sect, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Eisbrecher, Mr. Bungle, Kevorkian Death Cycle, Mentallo and the Fixer, Battery, Lucigen(local), Dead Kennedys, Revolting Cocks, Benestrophe, Mainesthai, too many to list


This is just a list of movies that in one way or another I have watch ten or twenty times.........ANIME---- The Venus Wars, Battle Angel, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ping Pong Club.NON-ANIME ---- Watership Down, Strange Days, Drunken Master 2, Master Killer of the 36 Chambers, Fist of Legend, Heathers, Tetsuo the Iron Man, Tetsuo 2, The Body Hammer, Ghostbusters, Star Wars series, Tron, Pulp Fiction, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Reservoir Dogs, Good Fellas, 12 Monkeys, Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail.


The Colbert Report, The Simpsons, Robot Chicken, The Sopranos, Rescue me, Weeds, Scrubs, Sealab 2021


Watership Down, ElfQuest (Graphic Novels). Most anything Clive Barker. Grendel: War Child I'm a random reader, I'll pretty much read anything if it can hold my attention.


Grendel: WarChild, Al Franken, Jimmy Carter, Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, kinda hard to admire Michael Moore, who speaks out against the excesses of America, and is fat.

My Blog

Get Pwned

"The slang term Pwn, used primarily in the Internet gaming culture, means to soundly defeat an opponent. It is sometimes used for taunting of an in-game enemy and rubbing in victories. It can also be ...
Posted by No name, No slogan on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:32:00 PST

Stupid in America

We gave identical tests to high school students in New Jersey and in Belgium. The Belgian kids cleaned the American kids' clocks. The Belgian kids called the American students "stupid." We didn't pic...
Posted by No name, No slogan on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 06:14:00 PST

Random Musings, maybe?

Rancor is my general nature toward people, I resent humanity for the brutal world we persist to create, the misnomer of freedom fighters, the crutch of religion to explain away our fears, the general ...
Posted by No name, No slogan on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 06:24:00 PST