Inugami Ranpo profile picture

Inugami Ranpo

Welcome to my nagamochi, please climb inside ...

About Me

"When he came to his senses again, he found that he was utterly alone, completely disillusioned, abominably tired ... the idea of hiding away from human society, of shutting himself up in some snug retreat ... this idea tempted him more than ever."

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Vintage Absinthe and Gitanes Blondes, the Kamiya Bar and Bar Lupin, the Sumida River and Golden Gai, Tamanoi and Jimbocho, the Cafe L'Ambre and Disc Hell, the Takehisa Yumeji Museum and the ghosts of Yanaka ...

I'd like to meet:

Taisho girls & Showa boys.


Bach, Wagner, Mahler, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, Shostakovich, Gorecki, Kasagi Shizuko, J.A. Seazer, Akihiro Miwa, Morio Agata, Mikami Kan, Black Sabbath, the Stooges, Blue Cheer, Hawkwind, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Budgie, Angel Witch, King Crimson, Van Der Graaf Generator, Henry Cow, Third Ear Band, Comus, Can, Popol Vuh, Kraftwerk, David Bowie, The Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Les Rallizes Denudes, Kitayama Makoto and Shingetsu, Tetsuo Furudate, Kousokuya, Throbbing Gristle, Sex Pistols, Public Image, Pere Ubu, Cabaret Voltaire, The Fall, Joy Division, Pop Group, Death in June, Current 93, PTV, Coil, Whitehouse, Der Blutharsch, the Banshees, Adam and the Ants, Killing Joke, early Echo and the Bunnymen, early Cure, the Smiths, the early Manics, the Cramps, Christian Death, Faith and the Muse, the Misfits, Gun Club, Birthday Party/Nick Cave, Crime and the City Solution, Tindersticks, Human League, early Ultravox, Tubeway Army, Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, Marilyn Manson, SS, Typhus, The Comes, The Stalin, King-Show, Auto Mod, Inu, Gauze, Gastunk, Theatre of Hate, Dead Kennedys, Crass, Conflict, Discharge, Amebix, Rudimentary Peni, the Mob, Anti Sect, Axegrinder, Napalm Death, Carcass, Bauhaus, Sex Gang Children, UK Decay, Blood and Roses, Virgin Prunes, Southern Death Cult, the Sisters of Mercy, Danse Society, Dead Can Dance, X-Mal, Malaria, Bathory, Destruction, Sodom, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Swans, Sonic Youth, Minor Threat/Fugazi, Neurosis, Isis, Today is the Day, Pig Destroyer, My Dying Bride, Saint Vitus, Earth, the Obsessed, Winter, Thergothon, Skepticism, Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Dissection, Immortal, Enslaved, Sigh, Ulver, Ildjarn, Nargaroth, Blut Aus Nord, Meads of Asphodel, Suicidal Hi-Technology, Ningen-Isu, Inguami Circus Dan, Gonin-Ish, Corrupted, Envy, Church of Misery, G.A.T.E.S, Sunn 0))), Boris, Gallhammer, and lately, M.J.Q, Crow, Nightmare, Azarashi, Ha Ha Lemon, Gusya Ningen, Ikochi, and Ningenkakuseiki ...


Caligari, Nosferatu, The Last Laugh, Faust, Vampyr, Kurutta Ichipeji, M, The Murderers Are Among Us, In a Lonely Place, Drunken Angel, Stray Dog, Ugetsu, Throne of Blood, Borei Kaibyoyashiki, Onna Kyuketsuki, Tokaido Yotsuyakaidan, Onibaba, Kwaidan, the Hour of the Wolf, Blind Beast, Red Angel/Akai Tenshi, Funeral Parade of Roses, Shura, Solaris, Last Tango in Paris, The Damned, Mephisto, The Nightporter, Macbeth, Chinatown, The Tenant, Stroszek, Graveyard of Honour, A Woman called Sada, The Watcher in the Attic, Stalker, Eraserhead, Dogura Magura, Suzuki's Taisho Trilogy, Rage of Love, Caravaggio, Angel Heart, Fire Walk With Me, the Mystery of Rampo, the D-Slope Murder Case, Gemini, Se7en, Gummo, Mullholland Drive, Ubume No Natsu, Ranpo Noir, and everything/anything by Terayama Shuji, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Werner Herzog and Derek Jarman.


Never. Ever.


Aeschylus, Euripides, St. John, Dante, Milton, Goethe, Ueda Akinari, Blake, Poe, Lautreamont, Baudelaire, Huysmans, Rimbaud, Conan Doyle, Mirbeau, Wilde, Eliot, Kafka, Soseki, Ishikawa Takuboku, Akutagawa, Kyoka, Hagiwara, Inagaki, Artaud, Bataille, Lafcadio Hearn, Nagai Kafu, Tanizaki, Kawabata, Uchida, Kuroshima Denji, Ishikawa Jun, Ranpo, Lovecraft, Yumeno, Dazai, Sakaguchi Ango, Genet, Borges, Celan, Yokomizo, Shigeru Mizuki, Nakagami Kenji, Kyogoku Natsuhiko (I wish), Heiner Muller, Houellebecq, Maruo, Hanawa, Hino and Samura ...


Blake, Poe, Karl Marx, Akutagawa, Kyoka, Yumeji, Ranpo, Walter Benjamin, Sakaguchi Ango, Francis Bacon, Brecht, Genet, Pasolini, Celan, Terayama, Hijikata, Ono Kazuo, Henry Darger, Herzog, Jarman, Guy Debord, Gerhard Richter, Kinski, Gottfried Helnwein, Maruo, Endo Michiro ... and first and last and always, Mr. Sherlock Holmes!

My Blog

When we have each other, we have everything ...

"The love suicide took place in the downstairs front room of Arishima Takeo's villa JOUGETSUAN. The manager of the Karuizawa Hotel MIKASA first discovered the bodies when he arrived on the evenin...
Posted by Inugami Ranpo on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 11:08:00 PST

Tanabata in Yanaka ...

Friday was tanabata here, so I walked from Tamanoi to Ueno and then up to Yanaka for an absinthe picnic, searching for stars and ghosts among the shadows and the graves. The stars and the moon tu...
Posted by Inugami Ranpo on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 02:58:00 PST