The oh-so-generic music, movies, reading. I love snowboarding (I'm even certified to teach you how!) and anything that can happen in the winter or cooler months so that I can prevent myself from melting in the heat. Rugby is another big one, though I haven't had a chance to play for a little while...
Anyone, no matter... though really I'm setting this up so I can check out what everyone else is up to.
Angels and Airwaves, AFI, Gnarls Barkley, Frou Frou, Feist, Greenday, Flyleaf, Metric, Xavier Rudd, Augustana, Weezer, Fall Out Boy, Death Cab for Cutie... many many more...
Garden State (really, who didn't love that one?), A Leauge of Their Own, Pretty Woman, The Shawshank Redemption, Little Miss Sunshine, C.R.A.Z.Y., just to name a few
Anything by Daniel Quinn, and lately Douglas Coupland, as well as a huge variety of plays (direct result of living with Alana)... pretty much anything that I won't be tested on is good by me.