Well, hello boys and girls. Welcome to the NEW biography of I AM MISS AMERICA. In short details, we will tell you a little about ourselves and where we stand as of today...actually I'll answer that now. We stand in Kearney, NE with each other holding hands in front of a T.V., which is the only form of entertainment besides playing shows. All we can say is TIVO ROCKS! Anyway, the band formed in a small garage out of pure bordum, to put it plain and simple. But the name IAMA was that of a past group of little boys with good looks and great muscular body tone. Since that band dis"banded" (haha) and went their seperate ways, it was only a matter of time before the name would once again reek havoc in the hearts of a few former members. "I believe since we used the name IAMA in the past and were a tad successful, we should drop the stupid name 'Eyes of the Ranger' and go with my great idea since I am a pure genius..." says Cody, the current singer of IAMA, during a show in front of a random number of crowded teens. And from that point on, songs were written, recorded, and sold to a number fans (give or take a few). "I think the best part of being in a band like this is...wait, let me think about this one...you kind of put me on the spot..what was the question?..when do we eat?" rambles Aaron, their tubby, yet befubbled drummer. They can all four agree on one thing though: it's all about the music. "Oh definitely, it's fun writing rock and roll music and what not. It's time consuming, yes. But what isn't these days?..no really, i'm asking. What isn't these days? ANSWER ME!" says a roid raged Marty Brewer who's been playing guitar since the Clinton administration. When asked if he recently was in Wisconsin during a WHAM! reunion concert, Devon the bass player simply replied, "Next question, please." When asked again, he then replied, "If you value your tongue and face, I would advise you...fine YES I WAS IN WISCONSIN!" As you can see, IAMA are artists on the rise. Ok, too far on the artist thing. We all play instruments though. You can check us out at a town and venue near you. Just check out the shows and judge for yourself. Conctact us through this myspace or at our purevolume site. PLEASE BE OUR FRIEND!