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I am here for Friends

About Me

Everyone has an eternal Life.
The question is "where will YOU spend yours"?John 3:3
Jesus answered him, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that unless a person is born again (anew, from above), he cannot ever see (know, be acquainted with, and experience) the Kingdom of God.
John 3:17
For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentance on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.
John 3:18
He who believes in Him [who clings to, trusts in, relies on Him] is not judged [he who trusts in Him never comes up for judgement; for him there is no rejection, no condemnation-he incurs no damnation]; but he who does not believe is judged already [he has already been convicted and has already received his sentence] because he has not believed in and trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God.[He is condemned for refusing to let his trust rest in Christ's name.]

Romans 3:10&12
10 As it is written, None is righteous, just and truthful and upright, no, not one.
12 All have turned aside; together they have gone and have become unprofitable and worthless; no one does right, not even one!

Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to save that which was lost.

(verses taken from Amp. Bible)
Jesus Loves you!
He died so that you could have eternal life through Him.
If you don't know Him as your Lord and Savior; call out to Him now and ask Him to come into your heart, forgive your sins and fill you with His Holy Spirit.
If you prayed that simple prayer (from your heart) You are a new creature in Christ!
The old you has passed away and behold all things are made new!
I want to encourage you to tell someone about it. Then you need to find a Church for fellowship; and read the BIBLE!
God's word says we should "desire the sincere milk of the Word that you may grow there by."
(1Peter 2:2)
If you need someone to pray with you or have questions feel free to message me and I will do my best to help you. GOD BLESS!
The things I love most in life are my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my family and Painting!
I've been married for nine years and I have two children. I am the youth leader at Churchman Chapel Ministries and I'm on the Praise and Worship Dance Team. I'd be lost without my church family (IRON SHARPENS IRON)
I love them so much!!.
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My Interests

I love Music, crosstiching, painting and dancing for the Lord. I love working with the youth at my Church. I love to read God's Word, and sing even though
I'm not good at it :)
God said "Make a joyful noise" not a pretty one! LOL

I'd like to meet:

I can't wait to meet My Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Apostle Paul. I would also like to meet other people who love Jesus.

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All kinds realy.
Mostly stuff like
Jeremy Camp
David Crowder Band
Casting Crowns
Nicole Nordeman
Natalie Grant
Chris Tomlin
Phillips Craig and Dean
Chris Rice

and so much more....
Click Here to listen to Mirror by Barlowgirl


Passion Of The Chist
("oh!watch out for Keith")LOL!
Fried Green Tomatos(TAWANDA)
Sense and Sensibility
Finding Neverland
Mighty Joe Young
Mommy Dearset
Disney's Tarzan
Head over Heels


America's Next Top Model
Project Runway
Shalom In The Home


The Bible!

..."I am the way the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me."
1PETER 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness, by his wounds you have been healed.
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will.
1PETER 5:10
And after you have suffered a little while the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be,establish and ground you securely, and strengthen,and settle you.
PSALM 138:3
In the day when I called, You answered me; and You strengthened me with strength in my inner self.
PSALM 37:24
Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord grasps his hand in support and upholds him.
ISAIAH 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteuos right hand.
No temptationhas seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
ISAIAH 40:29
He gives stength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.


The King Of Kings and The Lord Of Lords

My Blog

Getting Lost!!!

It's funny; the simple truths we forget when we become separated from God! Like how abounding His grace is!! How forgiving our Father is, how loving and compassionate! But, I think the simplest truth ...
Posted by Pamela on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 05:33:00 PST

Search Me, O God

Search Me, O God What shall be our response to the LORD God who knows everything about us all the time?  How should we respond to His abiding presence that never leaves us?  Because He is al...
Posted by Pamela on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 06:50:00 PST

The Inheritance of the Christian

The Inheritance of the Christian  The witness of the Holy Spirit gives evidence that if we are Gods children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him i...
Posted by Pamela on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 03:52:00 PST

Prophetic Dream?

Before I was saved, I would often have horrible dreams and would wake up crying or my husband would wake me because I was crying! Once I found Jesus they pretty much stopped. About a year or so ago I...
Posted by Pamela on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:57:00 PST

Magnify the Lord with me!!

I need to share what the Lord is doing or has done. Almost as long as I've been saved I have had a desire and longing to dance for the Lord in the form of expressive movement and sign! So when I start...
Posted by Pamela on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 08:52:00 PST

I give You praise

I trust in you Lord what else can I do For I would have nothing if it were not for you You have provided for my family and I If it were not for you in my sin I would die To praise you Lord Jesus all m...
Posted by Pamela on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:56:00 PST

All Things Are Possible

I'm the Youth Leader at my Church. I have only been so for a few months and I still have a lot to learn! I'm not really sure how to get through to these kids; they just seem disinterested and bored wi...
Posted by Pamela on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:10:00 PST

Oh Lord!!!!

Lord, My soul is downcast! But I don't know why!? I don't know what I need. I feel placid or empty inside! Maybe that's okay. I just feel like there is more to this walk of faith! Move me, change me, ...
Posted by Pamela on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 09:38:00 PST

Thank You :)

When I first signed up for Myspace I wasn't sure if it was for me. But the Christians I have met here have been a blessing, an inspiration and a help in time of trouble! They have offered words of enc...
Posted by Pamela on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 09:47:00 PST

Spiritually Numb

Lord, I feel empty inside. Please refill me with your love and Holy Spirit! Help me to live every moment of my life for you!I lay it all down before you; my king! I give up the rights to myself! My de...
Posted by Pamela on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:21:00 PST