The most important thing in and about my life is my personal relationship with Jesus. I entered into a relationship with Him on September 23, 1974, when I was 19 years old. My life had already been shipwrecked with emotional pain from childhood hurts, and my own bad choices with drinking, drugs, and unhealthy relationships. I was not a church-goer, and did not comprehend what Christianity was about. After almost dying from an overdose of speed and other drugs, a nurse I worked with helped me to understand how simple the gospel was. I asked for genuine forgiveness of my sins, and that He come into my personal existence and BE REAL to me. That was the most beautiful and meaningful moment of my life, and Jesus is the most Real thing I know.
My life has by no means been perfect. I have endured many deep and painful life experiences. I am human, I sin, and I have made more mistakes than I like to admit. But the Lord has given me an inner stability and peace that cannot be taken away. I have peace and joy in my life despite the hard times.
I have an amazing husband named George. He loves the Lord and me, for which I am grateful every day. I have 3 beautiful children, Darcy, Jared, and Karalee, who amazingly love me in spite of the ways that I have failed them at times, and 2 awesome step-children that I love as if they were my very own: Michael and Sara.
I have a bright and beautiful grand-daughter named Kyrsten, who is a delight and a joy to both George and I as well as all who know her.
My job is a Health-Assistant/ParaProfessional for the school district. I love my job, and the wonderful fringe benefit of having a SUMMER-LONG VACATION!
My hobbies are simple: Reading my Bible, writing, spending time with my loved ones and praying for them, going for walks, gardening, fishing (especially for Walley and Bluegill), drinking a great cup of coffee (yeah !! STARBUCKS!), and my bird: a singing Canary named Henry.
I enjoy playing WORD MOJO, Spider Solitaire, and Scrabble with my Mom, who is over 70, (and almost impossible to beat), but the challenge is fun!
I feel fulfilled when people I care about come to me when they are hurting, asking me to just listen to them and pray for them. They know I have "been there", and I am able to comfort and encourage them, which helps me feel at peace about the hard times I went through, because now some good can come out of it.
That's about it. Nothing fancy, but genuine never-the-less.
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