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Myself, 24 years ago. BOB FUCKING WALKER.
I listen to alot of everything, hard to pin down a specific genre. I tend to go through phases, for instance right now i listen to alot of electro, ambient, industrial, etc. But I also have a special place in my heart for rock/country too. And, on occasion, some older rap music is played on the hi-fi as well.
My favorite movie of all time is: Saving Private Ryan, with close runner ups being: Requiem for a Dream, Fist full of Dollars, For a few Dollars More, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Once upon a time in the west, Once upon a time in America, The Mechanic, LOTR trilogy, Star Wars(the original 3), The Matrix(the 1st 1 only), Pulp Fiction, A Scanner Darkly, and probably more, i just cant think of.
Dont watch a whole lot of tv, but the shows i enjoy the most are: Trailer Park Boys, Nip/ Tuck, Law & Order( all), House, Prison Break, Brothers & Sisters, Heroes and the cartoons: King of the Hill, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Simpsons, and Family Guy.
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Haven't actually read a book in quite a while, but i did enjoy the following: LOTR trilogy, and The Hobbit, Dune trilogy, and the Diablo/ Warcraft series ( lol ya, i'm kinda dorky).
My Mom and Dad, for always having my back no matter what, and Bob Walker, for making the best mower, in the history of mowers.