Straight out of the streets of East Orange, New Jersey a star was born. A sibling of two brothers and one sister 21 year old latoya Frazier is destined to make it," I started rapping about 10 years ago, before hand I use to sing and write poetry so from being around alot of rappers in my life I was told that I could become a rapper because of the way I use to write poetry. I then started to write love songs and a good friend of mine told me to write something harder so he can see where my skillz were, so there on I started battleing other females and males making a name for myself as an artist in Jerz going by the name Lady-t at first and so on and so forth I started to get older and felt that at this sudden moment I am now expirenced and married to the rap game therefor changing my name to Mrs. Fraz. Rapping is what I do and A rapper is who I am so don't let anyone tell you different, copywritten so don't copy so enjoy and leave a comment."
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