aRreN profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

oh me?..hmm..weLl i reAlly wanNa hAve fUn with my friENds..i wAnt to chickA all d dAy..heheheÜ well, i also waNt to hAve new frends and wAnt to get al0ng with thEm nicely, thAt's aLl gUys..mwAh!Ü h0pe i'll hAv m0re frieNds here!Ü

My Interests

in cUties!!. .hAhaü hmMm..wAt eLse?. .pApang!..hAhhaü i wAnna hAve fUn!. .meEting new frEnds. .hAnging oUt wiD freNds. .mAlling.txtng.chAtting.listening t0 mUsic.pArtying!ü

I'd like to meet:

hAs a sense oF hUmor and people hU are reAlly friendly and noT boring to be with.. i hAte people hU are 'c0rny'....hehe:)


dr0p it like itS h0t(sno0p doGg).hUsh(LL co0L J).it's like thAt(MC).gAsoLina(dAddy yAnkee).br0ken s0nnet(Hale).USHER.USHER.USHER!! reGgAe.regGAe.regGAe. BOB MARLEY!! MYMP!ü


h0rr0r moviEs..eSp. jApanese m0vies..


mTv, myx, aXn, hBo, cInemAx, cArt0on nEtw0rk


l0ve,scAry, ab0ot lifes of other people.. i als0 like t0 reAd mAgazines, c0mic b00ks


spiDErmaN!!! g0 wEb!!! hehe:)